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Zormac t1_iu2y1mg wrote

He is known to be corrupt. He was president for two terms, stole people's money and was thrown in jail during Operation Car Wash. Somehow his lawyers got him free and now he's running for a third term. If he wins, he will be the second longest running president in Brazilian history, after Getúlio Vargas (18.5 years).


OrderlyPanic t1_iu3ds91 wrote

Operation Car Wash was 100% discredited as politicized - including the lead prosecutors colluding with Judges - and his case specifically was a sham. That is why he's free.


GOD_oy t1_iu3kyhw wrote

no, he's free because they magically figured out that the operation shouldn't be in Curitiba, but in another place. Thats the reason they said. They literally couldn't use any proof the discredit the car wash since telegrams message that says about nothing and were taken by a hacker cant be used as proof.

we all know that the supreme court became heavily politized, for me its rather strange people that hates Eduardo Cunha and Renan Calheiros siding with their same interests simply because they like a personality.


psholln t1_iu48vq6 wrote

There were two Habeas Corpus. One regarding the partiality of Moro and one regarding the territorial competence of the 13th Federal Court of Curitiba. The second one was judged first, and lead to the release of Lula. However, the second one was also judged to be in the right and the partiality of Moro was recognized by the Supreme Court