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Level-Blueberry-2707 t1_iubv1sn wrote

Most of the money should be redistributed to the Russian people after the war rather then some mafia states slush fund.


lord_pizzabird t1_iuc7rx9 wrote

Strong disagree. Most of the money should go to the victims in Ukraine, not the people who enabled and knowingly looked the other way.

If anything, the Russian people should owe Ukrainians reparations till the country is rebuilt and every last Ukrainian veteran is alive.


-LostInCloud- t1_iucqfqf wrote

Look at what happened after WW1, and what happened after WW2 in West and East Germany respectively.

Russia needs to change, not be fucked over.

I'm all for giving the seized assets to Ukraine, but if we ever reach a point where we could push war reparations onto Russia, maybe we should not destabilise it by starting with massive debt.

Slava Ukraine


lord_pizzabird t1_iudpvl9 wrote

Germany was in massive debt after ww2, same with Japan. The difference was a semi-permanent occupation by allied forces. In both cases US forces are still there, in the form of military bases.

The lesson of ww2, learned from ww1 is that a country can’t just be left to their own devices post world war, but needs a long term nation building investment and occupation to enforce it.


-LostInCloud- t1_iuduwkj wrote

I think it's more the sentiment: do you want 'revenge' and punishment, or do you want to assist the country to develop into an ally?

East Germany also was occupied, but fundamentally different than West Germany.

If we ever get to a point like that with Russia, we need to not punish them, but help them.

Oh and punish a the fucks that helped perpetuate the war and warcrimes.


lord_pizzabird t1_iudx4bt wrote

Revenge would be not doing enough, allowing war to pop off again in few decades.

Also, there's a huge difference between going too far and adequately punishing those responsible. It has to be an even response with a nation building plan, or you get Germany after WW1.


mikepictor t1_iucpf4d wrote

A lot of Russian people are outright protesting the war. Don’t put this on them.


Est_De_Chadistan t1_iud7s5d wrote

Can you be more specific what does a lot of russians mean? The way how it looked like those who protested are still less than number of mobilised people. Yes, few hundred thousands is a lot. But out of 140millions? It is still a minority.


BlueMatWheel123 t1_iuefbww wrote

Unless there are protests that number in the hundreds of thousands to millions of people all over the country, the Russians citizens are not doing enough.


Spyt1me t1_iucym2h wrote


But i do agree if Russia sees a regime change we should be helping them rebuild as well as Ukraine.

We need to show the Russian people that the western countries arent as bad as their fascist dictator told them. This way they will be more amicable to western ideas which makes any wannabe dictator's job more difficult.


BlueMatWheel123 t1_iuef5pa wrote

Nah. The Russian people are complicit in this war. You can't look the other way and claim innocence in this case.

All the assets seized should go to rebuild Ukraine.