StandardMandarin t1_iy3whaq wrote
And yet, there would be no uproar and protests in russia. It's as if they like to be treated like shit or something there.
Working_Welder155 t1_iy3x0se wrote
Have you seen their anti women laws? Hell they say if he beats you it means he loves you
StandardMandarin t1_iy3xkde wrote
Heard something, yeah. Probably explains rapist tendencies among their troops.
Aspwriter t1_iy6tmfd wrote
It's more got to do with Russian military culture resembling prison culture with a certain hierarchy and rampant abuse.
Dzotshen t1_iy6rhhz wrote
Sounds like Abrahamic biblical instruction. Oh wait, it is!
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy43t0m wrote
Look what happened to their first attempt at democracy. They finally overthrew the Tzar, and a new interim government was established. They started making changes such as holding elections, abolishing the death penalty, and disbanding the secret police. They lasted 11 months, and the ruzzians looked at the progress they made, before saying "Human rights? No secret police? This aint it fam", and allowed the first dictator that came along to take control.
[deleted] t1_iy5agbt wrote
h-land t1_iy5voit wrote
That wasn't their first attempt at a republic. Novgorod was.
[deleted] t1_iy4dyec wrote
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy4gwhl wrote
Oh I'm oh so sorry that you are offended by me calling ruzzia ruzzia. The ruzzians are literally proud to display the Z symbology where they can, even openly in the Western World.
yeah they kept going with the war... Because the Germans were winning WW1 on their front, and were pushing harsh terms on them. Then the oh so brilliant Lenin took power, tried to just stop fighting unilaterally, got his shit kicked in, and had to accept an even worse treaty. Maybe the Interim government knew that they had to hold out in the war until they could get better terms, which was getting close because Germany was running out of manpower on the Eastern front. But hey, Lenin thought he knew better, and wound up with worse terms as a result.
And the ruzzians still let it happen. They allowed Lenin to take power, and the central ruzzian population was fine bending the knee to yet another autocratic government. Sure the outer regions rebelled, but those areas were always unhappy being under the ruzzian thumb.
DenseCalligrapher219 t1_iy4rzhb wrote
First of is that i will acknowledge that there are indeed people in Russia that are stupidly proud of this invasion no matter how wrong it is because that's what propaganda does to you.
I feel like half of those who support this war have no idea what it truly entails and what's happening, they assume that it's just a "special military operation" to defeat "Ukrainian Neo-Nazis" which is of course complete BS. The war exists out of a combination of preventing Ukraine from joining NATO in any way and a bizarre belief from Putin that Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians are one people when in reality is that while they share similar culture and religion they still have distinctions in names, some aspects of their languages and national identities.
Saying they share common roots, cultures and history is fair enough but saying that there is no difference between them and they are really one people called Russians is utter bananas and the sort of mythologized pseudo-history that exists as part of fascist thinking which is ironic for someone who wants to "liberate" Ukraine from "Neo-Nazis".
As for the interim government in all honestly while the terms given would have been harsh it was either that or keep fighting in an unwinnable war that has become widely despised by Russians thanks to the sheer incompetency of the previous reign of Nicholas The Second, the defeats and economic hardship they had to endure meant that they wanted an end to the hopeless fighting.
Another thing to note is how the provisional government at the time was suffering from infighting between the political party Alexander Kerensky was leading and the military that lead to a near coup by Kornilov against Kerensky which lead the the latter on relying Lenin's Bolsheviks to hold onto power which amounted to nothing when the people got so pissed of and frustrated at WW1 that Lenin pretty much instigated the October Revolution and overthrew the provisional government.
Little details like these you ignore to justify your wild, insanely incomprehensible and illogical narrative, especially when you KEEP ON USING the word "ruzzia" in places that makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever!
Like seriously what the hell does Lenin have to do with "ruzzia" or "ruzzians" in your mind? If anything the only thing Lenin and Putin have in common is that they are dictators but that's that. Lenin, for his many flaws and someone who ultimately did become a repressive dictator, was a genuine about his belief in Communism in helping the working classes, despised imperialism, truly believed in his revolution to establish a better society and despite becoming an undemocratic, authoritarian leader he never trusted Stalin and thought the latter was too cruel to have a leading role in the USSR.
Seriously the way you use "ruzzia" so haphazardly and in random places that makes no sense practically strips the word of it's meaning and turns it into a bigoted, anti-russian term since you keeps using that as a substitute for just Russians and the fact that it's a unique term created solely against Russians as opposed to calling those who support the invasion and glorification of a nation just plainly fascists.
What you are saying more or less justifies my assertion that "ruzzia" is basically the N-word for Russians at this point.
nilenilemalopile t1_iy4t9sv wrote
> justifies my assertion that "ruzzia" is basically the N-word for Russians at this point.
i'm glad you found a way to brighten the mood with a joke here at the end
dellett t1_iy5n75k wrote
It's a John Mulaney joke, in fact.
DenseCalligrapher219 t1_iy4tg27 wrote
Oh really, thank you :)
Jojo_my_Flojo t1_iy7b6hv wrote
I thought it was created specifically to be a bigoted, anti-russian term. Did it/does it have a different meaning? I've only seen it used by people who now believe all Russians are bad because of the invasion.
Asking genuinely.
[deleted] t1_iy7xtmm wrote
Ok_Goat8830 t1_iy5znt3 wrote
What he means is that the people of what is now Russia have always had that same "Ruzzia" mentality from today. Rather than blaming propaganda and oppression, he believes it's due to some inherent savagery in your culture (I assume you're Russian as well). Yes, it's technically racist, but can you blame him at this point with what the world is seeing? For example, Imagine you find out a person you just met is a neo-nazi, is it racist if you dislike him solely based in that? I don't know, truly. But that's how a big part of the world sees you right now, as the new Nazis.
I used to like Russians somewhat. Now, even though I find it a bit conflicting, I can say being honest to myself and feelings that I hate them. I will be distrustful of any person I find out to be Russian for years and years to come. Sorry.
Jojo_my_Flojo t1_iy7b1ez wrote
How come?
There are plenty of Russians who haven't lived in Russia for years and have been openly and vocally against the invasion since day one.
Is it because they haven't personally assassinated Putin yet?
Ok_Goat8830 t1_iy7hn67 wrote
because I'm generalizing. I'm not saying that can't change on a person to person basis, but that would be my initial reaction.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy87auo wrote
When I say ruzzians, I'm referring to culturally ruzzian. The people who always bend the knee to authoritarian strong men, have no problem waging war and genocide against their neighbors, and only ever resist the government when it bites them in the ass. The Russian guy who fled to America 20 years ago and protested the war from the start? Not a ruzzian. The Russian woman who followed young Ukrainian girls around shouting pro-war slogans in Germany and getting upset she will be deported? That's a ruzzian. The Russian woman in NZ who literally helped her son flee conscription, but then went on to fund raise for the ruzzian army? That's a ruzzian. The people sitting at home, complacent in cultural genocide in Ukraine and buying into propaganda saying that Ukraine was a mistake? You guessed it, ruzzians. People like Navalny who tried standing up to Putin and lost it all? That's a hero, not a ruzzian
Sensitive_Disk_3111 t1_iy4m0v0 wrote
Since when ruzzian is a separate race?
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy4o41h wrote
The ruzzians like to think of themselves as a separate, superior race. Now they are waging war against the inferiors who have no right to exist, and allegedly occupy what should rightfully be their glorious race's lands. Wonder where I have heard that one before?
Sensitive_Disk_3111 t1_iy4pmvy wrote
The worst part is you are not even exaggerating. 2022 was quite an eye opener.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy4q4dg wrote
It sadly has been. The ruzzians have had a perpetual fear and envy of the Western World, when reality is that very few people in the West want what is mostly just frozen tundras
Aspwriter t1_iy6uyz4 wrote
Russians do exist as a distinct East-Slavic ethnic group. One of the issues that led to this war was that Russians don't recognize Ukrainians as a separate ethnicity and culture, so it's extremely important to fight the narrative of any kind of Pan-Slavic ethnicity.
Sensitive_Disk_3111 t1_iy4blaz wrote
Majority of Russians do want this war, it’s the condition of their military they’re not happy with.
Yokono666 t1_iy52zo2 wrote
HungryPot t1_iy3yu38 wrote
Do you really think civilians can overthrow the government in Russia? If there is one thing modern Russia is good at, it’s stomping out civilian protests. Can you really blame the people there for not wanting to risk a 15-year prison sentence or death just to express their disapproval of a war that’s going to continue regardless? I highly doubt that you or anyone else here would do anything different in the same situation.
I don’t support Russia’s war in Ukraine, and I don’t understand why so much aggression is being directed at Russian civilians.
StandardMandarin t1_iy3z7mq wrote
Well, they can certainly try it. Iran is sentencing protesters to death too, and yet people are standing for themselves.
It's hard to imagine a revolution without government trying to stomp it.
HungryPot t1_iy40mt8 wrote
Sure they can, and did at the beginning of the war. A lot of good that did. Protests don't always work.
werklerw t1_iy4rj3l wrote
A few dozen people holding up signs is not a revolution. The reason they can't do shit against their oppressive government is because they largely support it. Look at Ukraine 8 years ago to see what people do when they really dislike their dictators and aren't scared to fight for their freedom. Stop giving ruzzians a pass while their country is openly committing genocide, most of them are for it and should be judged as such.
Caftancatfan t1_iy5ug56 wrote
Why are you zzpelling it like that?
werklerw t1_iy6zwts wrote
Because they're a nation of nazis who picked 'Z' as their new swastika. This is a derogatory term to show my utter contempt.
Caftancatfan t1_iy75shg wrote
I see! Thanks for the explanation!
wha7everbro t1_iy447o2 wrote
Protests work. It’s russia that doesn’t work.
Moepsii t1_iy4vsnt wrote
Average conservative moment
_Reddit-Troll t1_iy47wgz wrote
Someone over there is going to have to take out Putin, or it won't end. It's going to have to be military. It will be labeled a massive heart attack. Closed casket.
generic1984 t1_iy6ubgi wrote
I know a few "average" Russians. If Putin is ousted, it will be from the Right. They are upset with the corruption and demand total victory. Last Spring, they would have accepted less than total victory. Now, both sides have suffered too many losses to accept a cease fire. This will end only when one side is crushed.
Plenty_Fun6547 t1_iy7036f wrote
Looks like Mother Nature or Father Time, will take Pooptin out. Jus not soon enuff.
Ok_Goat8830 t1_iy61925 wrote
Honestly, with the mobilization I think it's easier than ever. Armed conscripts could gather together and rebel against their officers. If people truly oppose the war, more would join to the rebellion than against it. Civilians would have a much better chance protesting now, that everyone can see even soldiers oppose war. And thus we reach the conundrum. Perhaps this doesn't work bc simply put not enough ppl oppose the war. They may oppose it because they're losing or because they consider military leadership inept and are angered that they are the ones paying the price for that ineptitude. But they don't oppose the war for being unjustified, wrong, fought unfairly brutal against Ukrainian civilians or any other of those things. The just hate that they suck at war and it's the one thing they had told them they were good at.
bn1979 t1_iy6kx2v wrote
When I was deployed to Latvia back in 99, I met many wives and mothers of USSR soldiers. When the Soviets pulled out, they took the troops and left their families behind. I was on a former Soviet base in the middle of nowhere and right outside the wall was a rundown apartment complex where the families were abandoned.
Phantom_Wolf52 t1_iy4awba wrote
There have been protests against the invasion when it started but were shut down and there were protests against the mobilization but they got shut down too so the only resort for Russians is to flee the country their home which is really difficult as some neighboring countries won’t allow them to and civilians are saying they aren’t welcome I feel so horrible for people of both Ukraine and Russia who pay the price of what one person is doing
GGnerd t1_iy5h582 wrote
So I guess they just didn't care enough to keep the protests going? People are getting murdered in Iran every day for their protests but they haven't stopped yet. Guess the people of Iran are just stronger than those in Russia.
Phantom_Wolf52 t1_iy5hktb wrote
Well idk the Russian government is detaining anyone who says they don’t support and I think even conscripting some of them to the war idk
Phantom_Wolf52 t1_iy5hy9l wrote
Also there’s a new wave a protests in Russia from angry and distraught families who are upset that they were forced into war for nothing so yes protests are happening
IRatherChangeMyName t1_iy46y5d wrote
The ignorance in this comment can only be explained by an entitlement sentiment.
Ok_Goat8830 t1_iy6091y wrote
It's not ignorance; it's disdain.
BingeReader2810 t1_iy4n9d5 wrote
if they protest they die dude , most of those ppl have children or family
StandardMandarin t1_iy4to2n wrote
And then they go to war and die, your point?
BingeReader2810 t1_iy54yyv wrote
Interesting how you speak from such a moral high ground , you must face those situations dailiy i assume and probably always face it bravely
nilenilemalopile t1_iy4toai wrote
then they'll die in Ukranian mud a few months later.
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