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Quasisafar-y t1_ix11ve0 wrote

I knew this was going to come up at least. Not sure how its obvious and if you knew what you was on about you would of had a figure to put out and not tell me to do research. 1 ethereum transaction is equal to about 22 Visa transactions energy wise. Mining uses a lot yes but it's not a payment system it's whole monetary system for the whole planet and once its mined we stop, fiat never stops. Transactions with the real cryptoplayers use fuck all energy compared to the big boys of fiat. Seriously running rhetoric your read from state sponsored fear mongery makes you a pawn on the wrong side of progression. This seems like I'm being a dick, I'm not trying to be it's just the same old shit and the people that spout it have never actually done the so called research. We are only humans I get that but at least ensure your thoughts are your own.