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Ok-Pen5460 t1_iy3mx8v wrote

Lol yeah I doubt that's gonna happen


ChadRezzarTTV t1_iy3o0yh wrote

Nobody is going to give up their nuclear weapons, especially now that Ukraine has demonstrated the consequences of doing so.


[deleted] t1_iy3q3vr wrote

What is this lol Switzerland doesn’t have nukes or a weapons program.


ben_howler t1_iy3qjaz wrote

What's in it for the Swiss?


JustASimpleNPC t1_iy3r20f wrote

The only countries that would agree to a nuclear weapons ban are the countries that don't have them.


bingold49 t1_iy3rosx wrote

What does this accomplish?


jamiekyn t1_iy3s10z wrote

After what happened to Ukraine? Not a chance


Dambo_Unchained t1_iy3wobj wrote

So a country that has no nukes did not sign a treaty calling for the disarming of nukes

What’s the news here? Dude with no car pays no road tax?


__The__Anomaly__ t1_iy3xsd8 wrote

Switzerland doesn't even have nuclear weapons to renounce


Antimutt t1_iy404nx wrote

Not happening after all that investment into the huge nuclear zapper under Geneva.


bofpisrebof t1_iy43eey wrote

Lot of good that did to ukraine


whyreadthis2035 t1_iy44d4g wrote

I know things are going wrong everywhere. Hey! Look at Switzerland!


Swift_F0x t1_iy48tjo wrote

Sure when Russia does they will too.


Initial_Cellist9240 t1_iy4c5wz wrote

Not really. You’re right they didn’t have the launch codes, but they had the material.

Nukes are easy, the hard expensive part is refining all the material. Once you have the material it’s literally just some regular high explosive, in some special shapes that are relatively well understood, and detonation timing. Even without being able to reverse engineer the existing devices, any country with a functional economy would have the resources to figure it out.

There’s a reason we judge countries nuclear pursuits based on enrichment amounts, it’s the only part that matters.


Mr-Bane-Vader t1_iy4tzcy wrote

It's totally safe to forgo nuclear weapons. Ukraine gave up their nukes and they are mostly fine!


BroForceOne t1_iy4y05s wrote

On the contrary, Switzerland should have all the nukes.


baryluk t1_iy51ti4 wrote

They had a nuclear program in 50s. But it was too costly, and it was planed to use bombers. But after development of ballistic missiles by usa and soviets, it didn't make any sense anymore. So it was scraped.

There is no point signing this, until US and Russia sign it.


Iz-kan-reddit t1_iy5h5ol wrote

>There is no point signing this, until US and Russia sign it.

There's also no point in even bringing it up, other than pointing out the Swiss are being hypocritical fucks.


bombayblue t1_iy5lyut wrote

Maybe Switzerland could focus on allowing other countries to export arms to Ukraine and not pretend like it’s World War II anymore.


william-lima t1_iy7ad1o wrote

US: hurry up! Is time to send democracy to Switzerland now!!!