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bob_fakename t1_iydusvs wrote

The fact that air defense zones are pretty meaningless aside, doesn't Russia have enough on their plate without reaching for more?


seedless0 t1_iye41jf wrote

They are not meaningless. It's designed to allow reaction time if someone actually tries something funny.


count023 t1_iyf107k wrote

Russia is flight testing S16s and Sopworth Triplanes to use in the next wave of mobilization in Ukraine.


[deleted] t1_iye29dg wrote



whhe11 t1_iye5ifg wrote

Yeah, but in all fairness Taiwan air defense identification zone extends over a fair chunk of the Chinese mainland. It's different when the Chinese are live fire drilling with missiles landing right outside of Taiwans territorial waters tho.


YeetedApple t1_iyefdkw wrote

While true that it does extend over parts of china, that is never the part that is flown over. Most flights are coming from over water in northeast and southeast towards the island and are clearly aggressive, not just flying over their mainland.


feeltheslipstream t1_iyeleaj wrote

Adz is self declared and has no legal bearing.

Ita International airspace. You can't complain about planes flying in international airspace as aggressive while at the same time saying ships have right of passage through the heavily contested South China Sea.


YeetedApple t1_iyep03k wrote

Are you saying china flying military aircraft directly towards a nation they regularly threaten to invade, with the intent to force a response, is not aggressive? Sure the US is acting in its own self interest, but acting like they are equivalent here is ridiculous. I absolutely can complain about a country threatening an invasion while at the same time saying those threats should be contested.


feeltheslipstream t1_iyeyv71 wrote

I'm saying that if you classify flights in international airspace as aggressive, don't scoff when others say sailing through international waters are aggressive.

Pick a standard and stick to it.


YeetedApple t1_iyf8nvs wrote

"flights in international airspace" was never the standard, and is a terrible attempt to remove all context from the situation. If you want to say sailing through international waters is aggressive, is every ship everywhere aggressive then? If not, how do you decide which ships are aggressive or not?


dlev_ t1_iyexwbp wrote

Well, according to Putin all is going as planned so…


DGlen t1_iyf3unc wrote

You would think they wouldn't be trying to swing that angry inch around at the moment. Putin just whipped it out and we all saw it was half the size they were bragging about.


SuperSpread t1_iyf610p wrote

Driving a car at a crowd but stopping before you hit them isn’t meaningless. That’s what they are doing, it’s stupid but no law against it.