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t1_iycdg8d wrote

I can’t imagine Ruzzia would have left those assets out there if they weren’t expecting Ukraine to roll over


t1_iycdy9h wrote

It’s all tied up in real estate, businesses and equipment. It’s not like it’s all available for withdraw in a weeks notice. Could take years.


t1_iyceth5 wrote

Hundreds of billions in gold and Forex and other reserves weren’t repatriated before the war began. Even the article above refers to this as a “pot of gold”


t1_iycezpe wrote

Because Russia thought they had leverage over the EU with their natural gas supply. Waive a wand and threaten a cold Europe and they would be left alone, or so they thought.


t1_iyckyom wrote

The winters barely bring snow any more. I'd be more worried about not having air conditioning in summer.


t1_iyclpge wrote

Tell that to Northern Europe. With that being said, invest the money oligarchs stole from the Russian people, use the profits to support Ukraine, and help the Russian people rebuild their country when they take it back from the criminals running it now.


t1_iyd7yi6 wrote

The problem being... while of fucking course we should help them rebuild because as of now its a clusterfuck with nuclear capabilities. But Ukraine is priority.

Russia has historically always well, shit the bed.

What was it? "Russia's history can be described in five words: " And then it got worse."


t1_iyei8ph wrote

Russia gonna have to give up it's nukes if it wants help from the rest of the world once this is over.


t1_iyensbz wrote

Northern European here. We have insulation and fire wood. Keep the weapons flowing to Ukraine.


t1_iyerrdb wrote

Northern Europe did pretty well before electricity and gas. I’m sure they will be fine.


t1_iycp74v wrote

Fyi, ya don't need snow for it to be freezing cold


t1_iyem259 wrote

Doesn't get freezing cold how it used to, either. Skating on the canals to get places used to be so common it was a Dutch stereotype, now it's relatively rare.


t1_iyev98n wrote

With temperatures just around 0°C and slight wind, it's gets plenty cold. Doesn't matter if ice/snow is more rare than before, it's still cold

Edit: Celcius


t1_iycwwgy wrote

Where are you that used to have snow and now has AC?? In Germany we get almost no snow and everyone is afraid AC will make you sick 🙄


t1_iyere9g wrote

Germans are afraid of airconditioning? Lmfao I have never heard that before.


t1_iyezjk8 wrote

It is nearly universal. There are 2 main reasons, fear of blowing germs around (I can kinda sorta understand this one) and the other one is that a big jump in temperature (my sister in law claims it is a difference of 8 degrees C) somehow makes your immune system unable to function. I dunno about that last one, some german should chime in.


t1_iyf7q4s wrote

Last article I read was said a little less than half of the assets they actually froze were liquid. This one seems to be a little more optimistic. I’m not quite sure where the bank account numbers suddenly came from unless more countries coughed up Russias holdings.