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tickleMyBigPoop t1_ixoupdt wrote

Stock compensation is paid via share dilution aka the shareholders pay it.

But jobs aren’t a charity if a company doesn’t need someone they should be let go.

Why don’t you answer this; why do you want American firms to be inefficient? Why do you want US companies to be outcompetes by foreign firms?


RaycharlesN t1_ixp4hha wrote

Found Jeff Bezos

The shareholders pay for everything, they own it, it doesn’t matter if it’s stock or cash it’s shareholders paying it.

I would submit to you that it’s inefficient to have hired them to begin with, than morally bankrupt to toss them aside when the company is so profitable that they don’t have to. Find other work for them. When you employ 1.5M people and the majority of them still need food stamps you’re doing something wrong. The median worker makes $29k and you’re tossing around $15B in stock comp to your executives - Fuck this place.