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Matthiey t1_iy4pbys wrote

They have officially changed their name to "Turkiye" or the "Republic of Turkiye" about a year or two ago. They are strongly pushing other countries to refer to them as such.

Yes, I am aware that the wiki article says "Turkey" in the headline.


havok0159 t1_iy4xorv wrote

They can ask all they want. You can't reasonably expect people speaking about your country in English to start using letters not present in English. You won't see me asking people to write România and not Romania even though they sound quite different and would spare us a lot of misidentification issues with the Romani (which btw is a far worse problem than being associated with a bird).

Take a more recent example with Kyiv/Kiev. Imagine if instead of Kyiv, Ukrainians would have been asking us to call it Київ.


Matthiey t1_iy52e8m wrote

Every letter is available to you: T U R K I Y E. You don't need the accents or dots that aren't available in english. In fact that is how it is written at the UN.


suomikim t1_iy7p2ex wrote

so they really don't mind if i don't use the u with two dots over it? tbh, that makes it fall from 'are you completely serious" to... oh, Turkiye? Okay, no problem.


Tussen3tot20tekens t1_iy4qdn3 wrote

If you read the whole article it states that the UN complied with the change at their request in may 2022. (And that newspaper is a Tükiyeish? Government supported news outlet.