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bruinslacker t1_iybzcfc wrote

US is about 68% Christian. That number has been falling. In 20 or 30 years we might follow the UK.


zoinks10 t1_iycfilm wrote

Do you guys have forced religious assembly at school? That’s what caused me not to believe. I was a child but the adult spouting some religious bullshit at the assembly made no sense whatsoever.

I loved books on dinosaurs and this fuck is trying to persuade me Noah had an Arc.


Nukemi t1_iychlll wrote

This is how went for me too. I just rebelled against the forced religion bullshit at early ages and when i got old enough to have thoughts my own i just realised it just a adult storybook people take in to heart.

Im pretty sure i would have come in to this conclusion even if i had not been fed christian bullshit from early age anyways, but it certainly helped as it left me with a serious distaste to all religious crap for years to come.


zoinks10 t1_iycmjy2 wrote

Given I was one of the few kids who enjoyed learning at school I felt this robbed me of time I could have spent learning something useful, like maths or science.


Nukemi t1_iyd8bcs wrote

Same here. I was not great at school. But, when i was interested about something, i was able to do well in it.

I hated "studying religion" from the "you have to believe in this" -perspective, but theology as a concept interested me. Would have rather have studied that instead of being force-fed jesus is our savior -shit and forced to sign hyms orchestrated by our overly zealous religious teacher.


bruinslacker t1_iye1ojy wrote

No. No public school in the US (paid for by the public not the same as a UK public school) is allowed to have any forced religious activity. In my opinion the Constitution also forbids voluntary religious activity if it’s led or organized by the school, but exactly where that line is drawn is debated.


samus12345 t1_iyf2x16 wrote

The effects of the religious fanatics who founded this country are still felt hundreds of years later.