
bruinslacker t1_j5ulxrp wrote

I don’t use twitter. And even if I did, I wouldn’t be worried about having my fifis hurt by people saying mean things. I’m worried about getting shot in a gay nightclub or a Jewish temple because a bunch of idiots are tweeting conspiracy theories that I groom children in one and program space lasers to kill gentiles at the other.


bruinslacker t1_iye1ojy wrote

No. No public school in the US (paid for by the public not the same as a UK public school) is allowed to have any forced religious activity. In my opinion the Constitution also forbids voluntary religious activity if it’s led or organized by the school, but exactly where that line is drawn is debated.


bruinslacker t1_iy2y3os wrote

I think he means the pressure differential between space and your body. Most of the time there is about 1 atm of pressure pushing against your body. To avoid expanding or shrinking your body pushes back at approximately 1 atm. If you were suddenly flung into space the pressure inside your body would still be about 1 atm but the pressure outside would be nearly 0.


bruinslacker t1_iy0z519 wrote

False. The ISO in French would be OIS except in French it’s known as the Organisation internacionale de normalization so it would actually be OIN.

The name ISO was chosen because it is NOT the organization’s initials in any of its official languages (English, French, Russian). To treat all of their languages equally they didn’t want an acronym that only made sense in one language. Instead they chose an acronym that was close but not quite right in all three languages. It has the added benefit of meaning “the same” in Greek, which is fitting for their mission.