Submitted by patatesogan t3_z86f1k in worldnews
Gloomy_Intention2674 t1_iya13uc wrote
I love ancient Egypt! They used to do this so in the afterlife they would be allowed to speak when judged at the court of Osiris
[deleted] t1_iya1nud wrote
Apartment213shit t1_iya3s7y wrote
Don’t mess with that curse bro
cbbuntz t1_iya7olo wrote
There's the comment I was looking for
Rina-Lanaudiere-5 t1_iyab66r wrote
Put them baaaack! Didn't we have enough in 2022??
CrimsonShrike t1_iyahidf wrote
"wait Osiris, let him talk, I want to know how blingtongue's deal is, it's freaking me out"
picklestixatix t1_iyaklgl wrote
Jebadiah Springfield?
janisstukas t1_iyalrpw wrote
Kaching. Rich diggers.
Amerlis t1_iyamjv8 wrote
So where’s the mummies with the gold phalluses? What, no one thought “I’d sure like to do more of that in the afterlife.”?
Spudtron98 t1_iyaojy2 wrote
I wonder how many mummies there were out there with similar things that were destroyed by looters...
BronzDragn t1_iyas6yv wrote
The must be exceptionally good at tickling the virtual lips.
LeicaM6guy t1_iyaumrt wrote
[sweats in Jedediah Springfield]
TheCambrianImplosion t1_iyay7fo wrote
This is the cheesiest comment section ever and that’s ok.
UrynSM t1_iyb2l5a wrote
Osiris has no cock... Not sure why anyone else would have the right to use one..
SeaRaiderII t1_iyb741u wrote
It's insane how there still finding stuff in Egypt. Apparently there have been a total of 110 Billion Humans on earth in the last 200k years.
rockalyte t1_iyb7fex wrote
Maybe it’s to use the gold tongue to eat Osiris out?
EvilLegoBrick t1_iyb7x80 wrote
Some might say they had expensive taste.
UrynSM t1_iyb82za wrote
I am gone from this conversation
FishAndRiceKeks t1_iybf9eb wrote
That joke is worth its weight in gold.
Flooding_Puddle t1_iybg5q6 wrote
Return the tongue....Or suffer my curse
DavefromKS t1_iybkp60 wrote
Hanging out with King Midas?
godhelpusloseourmind t1_iybqrfd wrote
My no-good uncle pawned our family’s mummy tongue to buy an 8-track player for his Camaro, it’d been in the family for generations
ananxiouscat t1_iybqvog wrote
that doesn't make any sense here. like at all.
Dont-be-such-a-Cxxt t1_iybqzox wrote
That joke was Au-ful.
avgprogrmmingenjoyer t1_iyc23b3 wrote
SolarRage t1_iyc5c2c wrote
We would need a banana or a giraffe for proper scientific scale, but I think the tongue itself is just small, making the skull look bigger.
The360MlgNoscoper t1_iyc8foc wrote
Silence is golden? Not according to these mummies!
pf2- t1_iye39jp wrote
Deep ancient Egyptian lore
rockalyte t1_iyembl4 wrote
Hope they got the Gene Simmons gold special edition tongue ;)-
SchnauzerTrouserz t1_iy9zwvc wrote
Is it just me or does that head look insanely large?