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eat_my_yarmulke t1_j2cvoys wrote

I'm sure they'll sit down for a reasonable conversation that ends with them growing as people and seeing the error in their ways.


katycake t1_j2f4mdq wrote

Every McD's ice cream machine will be operating at full capacity at the same time, before any of that such nonsense occurs.


JellyDonut__ t1_j2do3bz wrote

I mean that's what happens when you completely freeze any and all assets to run a country.

They simply have no incentive to "grow and adapt".


bro_please t1_j2eewhk wrote

Or maybe, that's why you don't believe barbarians when they tell you they intend to civilize. They were playing "moderates" to get the money we had given earlier, they grew impatient and did what we know they wanted to do all along.


DesignedToStrangle t1_j2ekekf wrote

The incentive seems pretty clear to me. Grow and adapt and get your assets unfrozen.


polyfonken t1_j2cxvgq wrote

In other news, people should stop with the torture and raping, Putin needs to retire for medical reasons and everyone should have the right to govern their own bodies. You tell them, son! That'll learn 'em!


NeurodiverseTurtle t1_j2d9wn0 wrote

Also, the UK Tories are suspected by pretty much everyone to be Russian collaborators (pre-war) who just tried to cover it up after the invasion. Perhaps if we all write sternly-worded letters…


Diligent-Kangaroo-33 t1_j2cyafv wrote

Too bad you don't have some type of leverage. Like billions of dollars.


Bipinnred t1_j2d08zk wrote

Tabliban be like-

else what. Are you going to invade us again and let us move into the mountains for 20 years. Guess what, the superpowers of the world has been trying it for ages now and we are still here. Bitch.


Skydreamer6 t1_j2ds9bo wrote

If the Taliban were partners, then we could give them money with strings attached and make them do stuff. The threats are hollow cause they already won on the battlefield.


Impressive_Kale2245 t1_j2eswyt wrote

Give me an example of an organization more useless than the UN. I will be surprised if you can.

These idiots are surprised that the Taliban is behaving like... the Taliban? Really?

They seriously expected that an organization with a medieval mindset with its long history of treating women like cattle would behave any differently than it always has?

The Taliban view women as property, and treat them accordingly. They believe that God thinks that is okay. Tgey don't care what naive westerners think.


drgonzo1492 t1_j2cwvf4 wrote

Related: Surgeon General suggests protein converts to muscle energy.


blastedoffthis t1_j2d5yf8 wrote

Didn't we invade Afghanistan? How come they didn't receive the freedom that was promised? Iraq barely made it out alive.


ConnorChandler t1_j2dgbzq wrote

Turns out the leaders the US appointed, outside of Karzai and the warlords, are pretty spineless and corrupt. The Taliban basically waltzed back in and there was no resistance from the ANA


JellyDonut__ t1_j2dodyz wrote

Because that's the propaganda speech you've been fed all your life.

It wasn't about "liberating" any more than it is about "liberating Ukraine", it's about war profiteering.

US Afghanistan exit meant that they had to trigger a "fresh war" to keep the military industrial complex monster up and running. Wasn't that hard to bait Russia into a war. The best part is that the us expects China to understand it's "national security interests" when they clearly never cared about the security interests of other countries.


bro_please t1_j2efzu6 wrote

War profiteering accusations always sounded off. Isn't it more obvious that we're just looking at empires doing what empires do?


WanderingPickles t1_j2f4q2k wrote

Ah, the ‘ol “the CIA is responsible for all bad things (except for when they are completely and invariably incompetent) and all these bad people are simply being forced into it by the military industrial complex” line combine with the “Russia is just an innocent bystander here. Putin, praise be his name, was forced into a war of aggression by the evil West and their homosexual lovers.”

Got it.


blastedoffthis t1_j2dpydg wrote

Well I can finally put that to rest. My reasoning was that life can get boring and dudes want to play with guns. I used to solely blame the MIC but then I realized that war is like an investment, with multiple desired outcomes.


MGMAX t1_j2dw9of wrote

Remember: UN it's not an enforcement agency! It's a forum. In our world it's very important to have a conversation

... with savages that are punishing women basically for being able to read


Kimchi_and_herring t1_j2fe07a wrote

The savages protect women from joining the workforce. Yeah, that makes a ton of sense to other morons, I bet.


Martianmanhunter94 t1_j2flpwo wrote

Dream on. These men are the most ignorant in the world. It isn’t about fairness, it is about subjugation of the masses. If half are completely uneducated, this becomes easier. If they want a country they will have to straighten their spines and earn it back… they simply laid down and gave it away when the coalition left.


SoapGulp t1_j2fqxxt wrote

Yeah, like if the women are educated they are gonna rise up and instigate a revolution, maybe even a coup. Be real now, how many times did that happen in human history? Also, I'm pretty sure the people there are of Islamic faith and they agree with Taliban most of the time because there was almost no resistance.


ConnorChandler t1_j2dfx8q wrote

Key word, should. Will the Taliban do it? Hell no.


theilluminati1 t1_j2e91e5 wrote

Yeah, and the United States should ban assault weapons...


WhiteAle01 t1_j2emvr9 wrote

Really? I thought everyone was completely cool with how the Taliban treats women, thank you for stating this new information. /s


Kimchi_and_herring t1_j2fcw83 wrote

All these articles by international organizations complaining about the Taliban reek of wounded pride.


Cautious_Camp708 t1_j2fe3bc wrote

I hope the girls and women got a chance of an education while the US and NATO were there. The Saudis educate women and even bin Laden married THREE women who had PhDs. The country values education for women. The Taliban are a violent group of little fucks who are dumb as fuck and probably stink.


MJDAndrea t1_j2cxgm9 wrote

Way to take a bold stance. I'm sure the Taliban feels rightly scolded and will reform their nefarious ways. Aaaaany day now....


ScopeLogic t1_j2d2nay wrote

UN should make them instead of allowing such abuses...


Ignorabus t1_j2ddvh1 wrote

Yeah, someone should invade Afghanistan and take out the Taliban! You go ahead let me know how it goes


yousorusso t1_j2dlwpo wrote

And my paycheque should have a couple extra 0's in there but it ain't gonna happen.


spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j2evnft wrote

Oh well if the UN Human Rights Chief came out and said it, then I am sure the Taliban will listen!


DucatiSteve1299 t1_j2f8obz wrote

The UN is powerless and a joke ever since Prince Harry has been instructing them.


Raspberries-Are-Evil t1_j2fa4v5 wrote

I mean, they should all get fucked and go back to the caves in the mountains but they ain't.


blueskies1800 t1_j2ffnzq wrote

Wow. I bet the Taliban is quaking in its boots.


oddmetre t1_j2d6k12 wrote

This man single-handedly ended women’s rights abuses


Designer_Sprinkles79 t1_j2dhkuv wrote

Oh come on Nobody cares about the UN. They just talk about stuff but in the end they are impotent in the face of reality.

They should get back to busying themselves with the Palestinian/Israeli issue like they usually do. Afghanistan is too big and they are too weak.


bro_please t1_j2efpvf wrote

The UN is not they. The UN is the member states. Blame countries for being ineefective, but the UN itself is nothing. This is intentional.


Skydreamer6 t1_j2drz7t wrote

The UN is "too weak" for Afghanistan? The UN didn't just get their asses handed to them in Afghanistan....the mighty Americans did, and before them, the Soviets and before them, the British. Way to know anything.


Chad_is_admirable t1_j2es2ft wrote

asses handed to them? US invaded, and maintained control for 20 years with remarkably few casualties suffered.

American people just couldn't be assed to continue paying the cost of the occupation.


pablonus t1_j2f462q wrote

I always find how peole see the withdrawal as an ass kicking. Lol. We kicked the talibans ass up and down those mountains. Sadly the government remained corrupt and the people really had no will to unify and Become a country. It's their failure and not ours. Shame we had to leave all of those who actually had some aspirations of a bright future.


Skydreamer6 t1_j2f7mvk wrote

....yup, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.... It's been one victory after another for the ol' US of A.....a shame we had to leave, but it's their failure not ours. Kicked the Taliban's ass so hard....they won't be back...they've learned their lesson.


pablonus t1_j2f9pcg wrote

It's funny how you have no clue on the nbers game but that's your problem. We beat the bloody pulp out of all those countries. These where not military defeats. Just political as people at home lost the will for war. Feel free to keep spreading your ignorance like flat earthers and anti-vax fools though. No one calls Russo or chi a for mitary help. The call the USA.


atomiccheesegod t1_j2ecsg2 wrote

The UN is probably one of the most useless organizations on the planets. They pat themselves on the back for basically writing strongly worded letters at this point.


thecaptcaveman t1_j2eh1a2 wrote

That'll happen when all of the Taliban die. There is no reason for them to exist on the earth.


Niko6524 t1_j2fhj9x wrote

Women need to shut their legs to the Taliban.


YourOldCellphone t1_j2d3j33 wrote

Oh, well if the UN says it surely they’ll listen. /s. Theres no Hope in negotiations with terrorists.


atomik71 t1_j2cty3e wrote

UN is a complete waste of space. Surprised they didn’t say pretty please.


statementdiamonds t1_j2cuq8r wrote

> UN is a complete waste of space.

Just because UN cant force a country to comply with its demand doesnt make it useless. Thats how you get countries to not join the UN in the first place.

UN has done a lot of good at making countries work together to combat disease such as polio and preventing more death from famines through the world food program


Galtrel t1_j2d0xs7 wrote

Ah, I remember when I was a poli sci undergrad too.


Skydreamer6 t1_j2drd1r wrote

...or you could try countering with an argument or information next time.


bro_please t1_j2efepq wrote

If the UN had any real power, no one would be part of it. This is by design.