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Skydreamer6 t1_j2drz7t wrote

The UN is "too weak" for Afghanistan? The UN didn't just get their asses handed to them in Afghanistan....the mighty Americans did, and before them, the Soviets and before them, the British. Way to know anything.


Chad_is_admirable t1_j2es2ft wrote

asses handed to them? US invaded, and maintained control for 20 years with remarkably few casualties suffered.

American people just couldn't be assed to continue paying the cost of the occupation.


pablonus t1_j2f462q wrote

I always find how peole see the withdrawal as an ass kicking. Lol. We kicked the talibans ass up and down those mountains. Sadly the government remained corrupt and the people really had no will to unify and Become a country. It's their failure and not ours. Shame we had to leave all of those who actually had some aspirations of a bright future.


Skydreamer6 t1_j2f7mvk wrote

....yup, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.... It's been one victory after another for the ol' US of A.....a shame we had to leave, but it's their failure not ours. Kicked the Taliban's ass so hard....they won't be back...they've learned their lesson.


pablonus t1_j2f9pcg wrote

It's funny how you have no clue on the nbers game but that's your problem. We beat the bloody pulp out of all those countries. These where not military defeats. Just political as people at home lost the will for war. Feel free to keep spreading your ignorance like flat earthers and anti-vax fools though. No one calls Russo or chi a for mitary help. The call the USA.