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lifeunderwater t1_j28fdro wrote

That is simply an ass saving statement to state that “although there is data, we are not saying this is 100% true all the time”.

HKU also did a study providing similar outcomes

> Everything China does is wrong

I mean, even from a completely neutral point of view, it’s pretty hard to not see this as absolute truth when related to this pandemic.

What have they done right? Let’s list all the things they’ve done wrong and see if you can match them with positives

  • Allowed pandemic to happen either through poor health standards or a lab accident
  • Ignored then silenced / punished the original doctor reporting the outbreak
  • Freely allowed infected people to leave the country, rallied against countries that wanted to impose travel bans
  • Had companies and individuals buy up massive amounts of PPE in other countries, crippling local stockpiles
  • Used economic warfare against those who spoke out against their behaviour
  • Used the pandemic as a backdrop for a hostile takeover of HK, entering a state of non compliance with the Joint Declaration Treaty
  • Refused to accept western offerings of mRNA vaccines which are factually superior due to this conflicting with the lie that Chinese science and technology is at an equivalent level to that of America
  • Continued with ineffective, dystopian, wide scale snap lockdowns resulting in deaths
  • Lifted all restrictions abruptly with no warning or preparation, almost seeming to be done out of spite towards the people who dared to protest against Xi and his policies

It goes on and on. There are so many, I don’t have time to list them all. China should be harshly dealt with through the insourcing of manufacturing and crippling sanctions to force regime change. There is no hope for peaceful coexistence with the CCP / China under Xi.