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wasmandas t1_j1zufsu wrote

"Milan reports 50% of Passengers in flights from China have Covid"
What the fuck man.. I hope Japan is not the only country who requieres covid tests


[deleted] t1_j20fdy5 wrote



lifeunderwater t1_j21epdg wrote

Do you remember when the majority of Reddit users lived in countries where vaccine efficacy and distribution were handled well? How about when India was able to properly vaccinate their people with mRNA vaccines? Do you also remember that China refused to admit their vaccines were trash while simultaneously refusing to accept mRNA vaccines from the west even when offered and then stupidly lifted all restrictions after brainwashing their population into fearing the virus because of their own horrible policies, hubris and overall retardation?

Cause I do.

And now they want to infect the world again with variants that have thrived due to this stupidity?

Yeah, fuck right off please.


jussulent_tummy t1_j24k7mj wrote

We don't have mRNA vaccines in India. We got Astrazeneca's viral vector vaccine.


lifeunderwater t1_j27a2h1 wrote

Thanks for the clarification, but the point stands that India accepted outside help and was able to get their population vaccinated with a much better vaccine than China. India also had its own homegrown mRNA vaccine now ahead of China so there’s that.


Stussygiest t1_j21jiec wrote

Isn't sinovac 90% efficacy with 3 doses? Didn't Pfizer get exposed for saying they didn't test whether it prevented transmission? When Europe commission demanded Pfizer to release sales communication/contracts, they blanked out 100+ pages.

Didn't UK and other countries stopped giving free test so we really do not know the real figures of who is infected at what rate?

Cause I do.

Not saying Chinese vaccine is legit. But maybe big corps west/east is doing some dodgy shit.


adeveloper2 t1_j21ypvu wrote

>Isn't sinovac 90% efficacy with 3 doses?

The prevailing propaganda here is that Chinese vaccines are useless and it's repeated over and over by people until everyone believes it. With that said, I am not sure about 90% but many studies reported it's still quite effective against severe symptoms compared to unvaccinated.


TheCharon77 t1_j221fh7 wrote

I think it's complicated. 90% efficacy against with strains, for how long?

And isn't the whole point of vaccines preventing people from developing severe symptomps and dying?

The whole point is to not stress the medical institutions. There still will be people that has been fully vaccinated, got covid, and get treated in the hospital, but ideally there should be a few of them, unlike what happened in China with patients sleeping on the floor in the ward because of overcrowding.

Covid is an ongoing topic, so we shouldn't see any claims as permanently correct. No one can predict what's the next dominant strain will be, and whether the current vaccine is able to protect against them.


lifeunderwater t1_j27fn4q wrote

Sinovac is basically useless against Omicron on its own

> none of the patients in the study produced neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron variant


adeveloper2 t1_j27vz9u wrote

>Sinovac is basically useless against Omicron on its own
>none of the patients in the study produced neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron variant

A few problems here. First, this study was done a very long time ago with much of the data collected before Omicron really hit the world. Second, antibody count are not necessarily reliable measurements of vaccine effectiveness w.r.t. infection. Third, there are later literature that indicate Sinovac still offers considerable protect, e.g.:

What's undeniable is that mRNA vaccines are more effective than non-mRNA vaccines. However, it would be misinformation to say it's useless and some subs actually have rules against this especially on topic related to medicine.


lifeunderwater t1_j282pwt wrote

> before Omicron really hit the world

What does that have to do with anything? The vaccine has poor efficacy against the variant. The data proves this. How much the variant had spread at the time the study was conducted is completely irrelevant unless the control group was too small or the study was flawed somehow.

> Sinovac still offers considerable protect

Define “considerable”? In a population so large, you will want highly effective vaccines because more room for failure will result in larger numbers of people becoming severely infected leading to the hospital system falling over much faster.

Nothing China has done has been sensible or smart. Everything they have done, since the beginning of the pandemic which they fucking started, has been either inept, self centred or down right malicious.


adeveloper2 t1_j283ina wrote

>What does that have to do with anything? The vaccine has poor efficacy against the variant. The data proves this. There could be a single person infected with a variant and such a study would still be conclusive because you are just testing A vs B.

It matters because the study only measures one dimension of vaccine-related data and not others. If you even bother to read the last paragraph of the Yale article, it reads

Although the lab suggests an association between vaccine efficacy against specific variants, in the real world we are identifying that the clinical-epidemiological behavior does not correlate 100% with what is observed in-vitro.

This is essentially an in vitro vs in vivo problem which is a well-known factor to consider in science when extrapolating results of studies to actual outcome in the real world.

It's not something I expect an average person would understand of course. They'd just cherrypick a few sentences or get a summary from a similarly misinformed acquaintance and then move on from there.

> Define “considerable”?

You can look up the actual numbers in the Lancet study. It's documented right there if you bothered to read.

> Nothing China has done has been sensible or smart. Everything they have done, since the beginning of the pandemic which they fucking started, has been either inept, self centred or down right malicious.

I think this basically describes your position on all this. Everything China does is wrong or bad and you are really shopping for facts that support this stance. In that case, nothing I say can sway you because you already made up your mind.


lifeunderwater t1_j28fdro wrote

That is simply an ass saving statement to state that “although there is data, we are not saying this is 100% true all the time”.

HKU also did a study providing similar outcomes

> Everything China does is wrong

I mean, even from a completely neutral point of view, it’s pretty hard to not see this as absolute truth when related to this pandemic.

What have they done right? Let’s list all the things they’ve done wrong and see if you can match them with positives

  • Allowed pandemic to happen either through poor health standards or a lab accident
  • Ignored then silenced / punished the original doctor reporting the outbreak
  • Freely allowed infected people to leave the country, rallied against countries that wanted to impose travel bans
  • Had companies and individuals buy up massive amounts of PPE in other countries, crippling local stockpiles
  • Used economic warfare against those who spoke out against their behaviour
  • Used the pandemic as a backdrop for a hostile takeover of HK, entering a state of non compliance with the Joint Declaration Treaty
  • Refused to accept western offerings of mRNA vaccines which are factually superior due to this conflicting with the lie that Chinese science and technology is at an equivalent level to that of America
  • Continued with ineffective, dystopian, wide scale snap lockdowns resulting in deaths
  • Lifted all restrictions abruptly with no warning or preparation, almost seeming to be done out of spite towards the people who dared to protest against Xi and his policies

It goes on and on. There are so many, I don’t have time to list them all. China should be harshly dealt with through the insourcing of manufacturing and crippling sanctions to force regime change. There is no hope for peaceful coexistence with the CCP / China under Xi.


[deleted] t1_j20uwz5 wrote



AMannerings t1_j217bpl wrote

You know I think there was a middle ground of people who felt that welding starving people inside their flats was bad and advocating Li Hun comes directly from Beijing to spit down your throat.


Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j21hru8 wrote

Cpu brain here working in 1’s and 0’s. It’s not one or the other and no one wanted it to be so. It’s called effective planning and implementation of safety precautions to safely take a population from zero Covid to what we in the west are mostly used to. Not “aye yo fuckin send it let it ride!”


[deleted] t1_j22ska7 wrote



Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j240kzd wrote

People here complaining isn’t the end of the world or a sign of hypocrisy among an entire ideologically aligned populace. People love to complain, especially on the internet. It could be a beautiful day and you’ll find one of the millions of visitors on Reddit complain that they were really hoping for a shit day.

The idea of a mass spread to quickly adjust with disregard for safety does actually sound just like a CCP move


42069getit t1_j24ro4c wrote

Chia completely fucked up covid. Allowing those unvaccinated people into a nation is a bad idea. Make them take a western vaccine before travel.


Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j21h8xj wrote

Remember when a major outbreak larger on scale than would otherwise occur happened? Hope so cause that’s right now which is why people are adapting.

Imagine walking the same way to work each day and one day there’s a hole in the ground. People are walking around it and you’re just like “ha inconsistent dweebs I thought we walked straight here huh?” then walk right off like an old cartoon


Impressive-Potato t1_j212yif wrote

Um, a lot of countries were requiring covid tests for all passengers but people were complaining about them. Like Canada.


bobby_zamora t1_j2074yr wrote

Shows how mild it is when so many people are taking long flights with it.


ichasecorals t1_j1ya32v wrote

Mandatory 7 days isolation should also be required. CN should not be allowed to spread its self inflicted problems to other countries that easily.


[deleted] t1_j1ybmxo wrote



TheDukeOfMars t1_j1ykn09 wrote

Because the longer the pandemic went on, the more time we had time to study it, prepare, and adapt our healthcare systems. The more we studied it, the more we knew how to track + respond to future Covid outbreaks.

Also, more people are vaccinated and that lowers the threat of a nationwide outbreak. Which means there is less chance of failure to the overall healthcare system.

We can treat people and get relatively good outcomes if 1 in 10 people get sick. The whole hospital system collapses if 6 in 10 people get sick. China is now stuck with the latter.


0011101000101010 t1_j227x4q wrote

Lol so you studied it for years now and your solution is exactly the same as 2 years ago. Hot take bro


HalfLife3IsHere t1_j22v6lz wrote

Now you have all the equipment, logistics, and the experience (and data confirming what really works and what not so much). When it took over the masks and tests logistics were still messed up, every country going on their own rather than coordinating with others, there wasn’t vaccines, and so on.


DoxedFox t1_j1z5g9u wrote

I mean if you'd just think for a second the answer is quite obvious.

They've had more than enough time to prevent this. Instead they kept their zero COVID policy while the rest of the world moved on.

Now their next wave is hitting and it's hitting hard.

It would have been understandable had this been happening a year ago. Now it's unacceptable.


dark_dark_dark_not t1_j1zdm98 wrote

So your opinion is that they should have kept the COVID 0 policy to avoid this? Because there was literally no other way for China to change policy and not have a multiple waves in one scenario.


Roguespiffy t1_j1zgarp wrote

They could have stopped pretending their vaccine was just as effective and just bought Pfizer and Moderna like everyone else.


[deleted] t1_j20exdh wrote



Advanced_Basic t1_j20k1bs wrote

Not the person you replied to, but big COVID waves make mutations much more likely, mutations that the current vaccines might not be effective against.


Nani_the_F__k t1_j21c2oy wrote

Thank you. I'm so fucking sick of people not knowing how viruses work in 2022. Like it's literally been everywhere all the time. How can people possibly be about to go into 2023 and still not know about how virus mutation and vaccines work?!


Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j21i1vz wrote

I seriously think a sizable amount of people alive are not capable or will not be


frddtwabrm04 t1_j20lw8w wrote

Well, they don't wanna use western vaccines or any outside assistance. Might as well sleep on the bed they shat on!


Freefall_J t1_j203tgt wrote

>CN should not be allowed to spread its self inflicted problems to other countries that easily.

They shouldn't be allowed to do it 'again'.


Freefall_J t1_j203w1r wrote

I can imagine the CCP crying "racism" over this.


AccelHunter t1_j22m5qn wrote

is like we are in a timeloop, the true 2020 Part II is here


[deleted] t1_j2076oe wrote



frddtwabrm04 t1_j20m6ot wrote

Dunno could be because president Cheetos was out there yapping about the kungflu virus and other racist shit that consequently would have led and did lead to Asian Americans be discriminated against?

Idk, just spitballing here!


autotldr t1_j1y8wr2 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot)

> Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced Tuesday that Japan will tighten border controls for COVID-19 by requiring tests for all visitors from China starting Friday as a temporary emergency measure against the surging infections there.

> China has been "Refining our COVID response in light of the evolving situation" while working with the global community, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperon Wang Wenbin said Tuesday.

> Japan will act flexibly while watching the development in China, he added, including halting the planned increase of flights between Japan and China "Just to be safe."

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Japan^#1 China^#2 measure^#3 test^#4 Kishida^#5


itsoundslikehome t1_j1z9k6i wrote

Every country should be doing this for every international visitor.


snoms1 t1_j22t3lv wrote

ya and those tests are gonna be legit LOL


WolfThick t1_j1znsp4 wrote

Yeah unfortunately it's just to stop Gap measure the virus will have its way year after year.


BeetsMcGee t1_j21t1zs wrote

Didn’t China implement anal swabs for inbound travelers?


EternalPinkMist OP t1_j21t9qz wrote

I have no idea and don't understand what that has to do with this story.


BeetsMcGee t1_j2215xo wrote

You’re right; probably a little cynical. My point was it would make sense for countries to impose similar restrictions that China did (anal swabs) as retribution.


Future-Studio-9380 t1_j20txwy wrote

You'll never convince me that the Chinese government isn't intentionally spreading Covid worldwide nor can you convince me that it didn't do the same in 2020. Just in time for Chinese new year YET AGAIN to either not do anything or lift restrictions.

Especially given the nationalistic bs China engages in about its covid response. It might be futile but Chinese passengers need to be tested and quarantined. By all means offer mRNA vaccines to those that want it during quarantine.


AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_j21wj5l wrote

The idea that China intentionally released covid into the population for 'reasons' is a fucking Alex Jones take.


adeveloper2 t1_j21z1ti wrote

>You'll never convince me that the Chinese government isn't intentionally spreading Covid worldwide nor can you convince me that it didn't do the same in 2020

You are getting 5 upvotes for that too. Wow


bulldaddy1000 t1_j204kgt wrote

And the US continues to do nothing….why are we allowing sick Chinese to flood this country?


Utoko t1_j20mu23 wrote

because the virus is everywhere already. In Germany they also tested random people without symptoms and 25% had covid.Everyone who isn't isolated permanently comes in contact with the virus all the time now.That is why we vaccinated remember?


WoodPear t1_j218ti2 wrote

From your own source

"The new rules take effect at 12:01 a.m. ET on January 5."


Fartbox7000 t1_j21qib3 wrote

They said they continue to do nothing.

They are doing something. Initiated a policy that starts Jan 5.



bobby_zamora t1_j1z1dwl wrote

Enough Covid paranoia ffs.


Aromatic_Balls t1_j1z599u wrote

Yeah guys stop being so paranoid.


bobby_zamora t1_j1z5d2r wrote

Because they have no immunity and poor vaccine coverage in the elderly, doesn't mean other countries need to be worried.


Ganacsi t1_j1z7xad wrote

The threat of new variants has increased now that Covid has a billion possible new hosts, it’s a reasonable precaution to protect their citizens, there is no need to call it paranoia just because you disagree, plenty of people are still dying from it around the world.