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pete_68 t1_j1rigcb wrote

Cities are secondary. They'll target military sites. And I doubt any of their missiles would ever detonate on American soil. I think our defenses are much better than the public or the Russians know.


adarkuccio t1_j1rltg2 wrote

I REALLY doubt they'd target military sites, are you following what's happening in Ukraine?


BrandyNewFashioned t1_j1rmhgh wrote

If anything, they probably still have the same target maps they had in the 1960s. I wouldn't be surprised if they still have a warhead aimed at the closed army ammo plant to the north of where I live, despite everything having been demolished 20 years ago.

Then any nukes that don't fail midflight will probably miss and hit innocent towns, or fuckall wilderness.


krell_154 t1_j1sru27 wrote

They'd miss, but would probably hit Yellowstone in the process, thus destroying USA


Quackagate t1_j1s5z4c wrote

Either behind the bastards or lions led by donks podcasts brought up one time that if you change your targeting priority from military targets to civilians you only get like a 5%-increase in deaths in a full-scale nuclear war. This is because so many military bases are near large metro area


pete_68 t1_j1rmgln wrote

They would target military installations and manufacturers of weapons and infrastructure. Those would be the primary targets. They're not trying to invade the United States. Decimating our cities doesn't get them anything.


FarawayFairways t1_j1s96lt wrote

Every time I read comments like this (and yes they invariably come from Americans) I'm just relieved that the great hive mind of Reddit is no where near the decision making apparatus

Perhaps you'd be so good as to enlighten us as to your level of expertise in the field, because assurances like "I doubt" (any of their missiles work) and "I think" (we've got better defences than we know of) doesn't really fill me with any confidence

It's a really bad bet to place


stackjr t1_j1s35cn wrote

Just to be clear, shooting down a nuclear armed missile is no easy feat and the US military has failed to do so in many training exercises. Do not make the mistake of thinking we are untouchable in the US.