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AmeriToast t1_j1pr7sf wrote

Russia's economy must be really hurting. They couldn't peddle enough of their oil to India and China to make up for the loss from EU countries and they are now hoping the EU will let them back in lol.

This is good news for the war front, who knows how much longer Russia can keep this up. Add this to the news that Russia is willing to negotiate and Putin is in trouble.


Gizshot t1_j1pw43y wrote

Considering India and China basically get to set their price because there isn't anybody else to buy it they're desperate.


Freekmagnet t1_j1q1w0b wrote

> Add this to the news that Russia is willing to negotiate

"Russia is willing to negotiate" only if they get to keep half of Ukraine and make the rest a puppet state of Russia. That is their inalienable starting point. A serious starting point for negotiations would be to first remove all Russian military from the entire country of Ukraine, including Crimea; then they can start to negotiate over war reparations and prosecution of war criminals.


AmeriToast t1_j1q6bdj wrote

If Russia was not in such a bad state, negotiating would not be on the table.

A common negotiation tactic is to ask for everything you want and to negotiate it down from there. Doesn't mean they will get anything. Also, just because Russia is willing to negotiate doesn't mean Ukraine will at the moment.


KiwasiGames t1_j1t13jk wrote

Ukraine doesn’t really matter in the negotiations. If the west stops providing Ukraine weapons and ends sanctions on Russia, Russia will win (eventually).

Now this is not going to happen. But it’s worth keeping straight who has the power in these plays.


Chiliconkarma t1_j1q44hl wrote

They press the buttons they have. It's in part an effort to generate headlines.


NotAnUncle t1_j1rltq1 wrote

As much as this is discussed, India really was lagging behind china and Europe, and in this situation, both India and China set the terms, so that's definitely not favourable for Russia, so I can see this move being a way to win Europe's favour in some way, obviously it doesn't look like it's gonna work out for them.