Much_Resolution_1550 t1_j1zcbkl wrote
Albanians have been a majority in Kosovo even before Tito ruled over Yugoslavia.
otas1 t1_j1zdrnr wrote
Can't have a title without something being "slammed"....
obsessivesnuggler t1_j1ze7rj wrote
Serbs do love to make roadblocks. Their favorite past time.
[deleted] t1_j1zfxre wrote
obsessivesnuggler t1_j1zgszb wrote
Of course, they did same thing in the 90's.
Next step is getting weapons. And then shooting up police patrols. They will say it was in self defense.
WanderingPickles t1_j1zl0b2 wrote
You know, I looked it up and you are correct. Has been that way since the Ottomans slaughtered/expelled the Serbs a long time ago. But it has been more pronounced in the past 120 years.
It is curious how these things play out over the long term. It is also curious how history has a way of echoing (as opposed to repeating). Kinda sad when one thinks about it.
CSilyS t1_j1zlnj5 wrote
let him live in his alternative uiniverse some people are too dense to be educated
Netoj t1_j1zmuaw wrote
I bet they forgot that the German KFOR in that region bites back.
Darth-Baul t1_j1zofcx wrote
What are you even talking about?
MynameisJunie t1_j1zsbwv wrote
Don’t fall for it, it’s Russians starting shit!
holenek t1_j201taz wrote
Četniks gonna četnik, butthurt Serbians screaming oppression while slaughtering all neighbors
Jayhall516 t1_j20c7oz wrote
If only there were a country nearby that’s been receiving shit tons of free weapons with basically no accountability…
Rich_Eater t1_j20dzko wrote
> The problem is that the Serbian media likes to make it appear that we Albanians are oppressing the Serbs
They don't need the media for that. That's part of their culture.
Being a perpetual victim. Everybody is to blame for their plight. Everybody but them.
AdamGenesis98 t1_j20esw9 wrote
Keep moving the goalposts.
CSilyS t1_j20rcky wrote
next comment is gonna be about the romans slaughtering serbians. ive never seen a aggressor with a bigger victim complex than the serbs. astonishing how they are the greatest nation on earth thats being dunked on and killed left and right. serbian nationalists might actually be the dumbest people on earth.
[deleted] t1_j20tnxh wrote
WanderingPickles t1_j20uvtd wrote
Umm, Russians are pretty high up there. The Chinese too.
pukabi t1_j215e58 wrote
All I can see is west supporting any kind of separatists to split big and strong countries.
itsonlymeez t1_j215uy9 wrote
World wars always star in the balkans
MeanwhileInGermany t1_j218374 wrote
Do they also remember the ethnic cleansings and the rapes?
cyberdude90 t1_j21jbqh wrote
As is tradition
balkanobeasti t1_j21ko7b wrote
Let me know when they blockade the area for 14 days like the "environmentalists" (Azeri government employees and militants) blocking the only road to Artsakh not allowing any supplies through for civilians.
[deleted] t1_j21milt wrote
[deleted] t1_j21n3it wrote
AlbertManus t1_j21wa18 wrote
WW2 absolutely didn't start in the Balkans. Do Americans think Poland is Balkan?
No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j21zjw3 wrote
How is it trolling? It is fact, NATO bombed Belgrade and is by definition a war crime. Please explain what is fabricated. This is common knowledge but not reported in western media.
[deleted] t1_j21zrbu wrote
No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j22082z wrote
Held onto this account for over 2 years to trolll for this? No, I don't think we should gloss over the facts and only present what furthers one agenda.
[deleted] t1_j221kyn wrote
Skeazor t1_j224sjn wrote
I don’t think Kosovo or Serbia count as big or strong. In fact they are small and weak in comparison to most European countries.
[deleted] t1_j225r8b wrote
No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j228q3d wrote
But, you and the original poster we're not honest about the situation. That's the problem. Also, you failed to explain how bombing a civilian city was not a war crime. Is it because it was NATO?
The original KFOR message was the troll. Completely insensitive to the situation. Attitudes like that are what will continue to separate and divide this part of europe. There is no black and white here. I could go on about ethnic Serbian minorities being pushed out of Kosovo after living there for generations. You won't see this on TV either. I've already admitted to Milosevics brutality.
As far as the troll and bots...I see what was done here. It's ashame others will not see this discussion.
pukabi t1_j22cy4g wrote
I meant Yugoslavia
No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j22egm9 wrote
Ironic coming from a German. You should probably sit this one out.
BoxedLunchable t1_j22jg8w wrote
Find another fucking word for gumby's sake.
Mirathecat22 t1_j22s9hd wrote
For being a country that accepted accountability and then worked its way into becoming one of the most powerful, influential and friendly countries in Europe? Serbia could learn from them, rather than the consistent denial and being a Russian puppet.
Mirathecat22 t1_j22t7oe wrote
They did everything they could to split themselves. There’s no surprise that everyone who broke away from Yugoslavia, much like those who were eastern bloc, ran straight to the west.
Infantry1stLt t1_j22yfy8 wrote
Reminds me of their bigger cousin out east.
plastikelastik t1_j22zfvf wrote
It started because Kosovan Serbs refused to switch to kosovan number plates since they don't recognise the authority of the Kosovan state. That community has long harboured a siege mentality and are well known for making trouble. They recently erected illegal barriers which has annoyed the kosovans.
This has been bubbling for months.
plastikelastik t1_j22zo8x wrote
NATO does not commit war crimes, they are the good guys
twilight1919 t1_j231q3x wrote
Poland can into Balkan.
Due-Reading6335 t1_j2383x9 wrote
Im humbly and respectfully requesting an ELI5 on what's going on in Kosovo. Please
IndeterminateYogurt t1_j2395g6 wrote
Not an expert: The balkans is an ethnic mess, where everyone hates everyone, that was kept together under Tito for decades. Tito dies in the 80's, the Serbs (biggest player in Yugoslavia) start treating the other ethnicities like shit, these break free (Bosnia, Croatia etc.). Kosovo (mostly albanians, at least in the west) breaks off Serbia officially in 2007, but Serbia ofc does not recognize this.
In the northeastern part of the territory held by Kosovo, there are many people that are ethnically serbs and are not in favor of the government. Over some number plate dispute, they started blocking roads with the rest of Kosovo. Serbia starts their propaganda machine, tensions run high. War still unlikely because of UN forces in the area and because Serbia wants to join the EU at some point.
[deleted] t1_j2398ai wrote
Stelaris91 t1_j23beds wrote
From a Serbian perspective : shit got fucked up in the '90s,now every single ex-Yu politician is milking that. Every elections you have "crisis" of "unprecedented" risk. Nothing is going to happen, nothing is ever going to happen and/or change. Plus, this is a distraction from real problems. Bread and games. If you want in depth analysis, feel free to dm me.
eske8643 t1_j23toes wrote
And the Danish did aswell. Thats when the world learned that the old redundant Leopards, we got cheap from Germany. Had been Upgraded and had gyro stabelized firing and thermal sighting, with a max of 20 seconds reload time. While going 70 km/p
[deleted] t1_j245pt7 wrote
No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j258v6s wrote
Cherry picking about war crimes? Ok, got it.
Rich_Eater t1_j25ku18 wrote
Well, yeah.
They both have ambitions of creating a "Great" whatever the fuck.
Mhmm! A big, giant, great mound of dookie.
WanderingPickles t1_j1zb0xn wrote
It’s weird. Almost like the policy of moving ethnic Albanians into Kosovo and Serbs out in the waning years of Tito’s reign has had negative impacts.
Who could have called this?