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Creepy-Explanation91 t1_j1zuvg1 wrote

It’s a giant concrete cube with a tiny screen of two dudes kissing inside? Not a very creative or artistic design is it? Wouldn’t a big statue of two guys kissing both send a better message and be more artistically pleasing? Is there a specific reason for it being just a giant cube? It’s a very important monument since gay men were heavily persecuted by the Nazis but the article doesn’t give much information and I have a-lot of questions about why the design was chosen.


ThereIsNoGame t1_j1zz0nb wrote

I'm not an art critic, but my understanding this is in parallel with the memorial to the murdered jews of europe:

As the maze of blocks represents the fear, confusion and directionlessness of the jews in that dark time, so too does the concrete cube, and it's unassuming exterior, represents the way the gender diverse had to hide their identity, remain closeted, to avoid persecution. Only by getting close, can you see who they really were.

Art is most powerful when it's subtle. Art should not tell a story to the audience, but instead guide the audience in the direction of the conclusions they should make. It's not there to answer questions, but ask questions and challenge the audience to understand the answers.

Why have Mount Rushmore when you could just put up a big sign that says "Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln were all good presidents."?


burgermiester288 t1_j20nbdi wrote

It's meant to reflect how queer men had to hide their love. Like your coming across something you shouldn't see.