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derpbynature t1_j22eee6 wrote

I feel like that's less likely than an outright Israeli annexation of the West Bank. Isn't part of the reason they want much of it is because it provides a security buffer? Without it, at its narrowest points, Israel is less than 10 miles wide.

Also, Jordan used to occupy the West Bank, and it makes the border look goofy as hell. Though, I imagine it'd be a bit more bordergore-ish if it happened again, with Israel nicking off the settlements.


ActivisionBlizzard t1_j234v8m wrote


I don’t know which paradox game you are playing but I know it’s one of them


Scorpion1024 t1_j23mquj wrote

Subsequent Israeli governments have declared they regard annexing all of the West Bank as undesirable, a hassle and expense. Nethanyahu wants to effectively annex up to half of it and leave the rest to rot.


Salamander3033 t1_j2c5xf1 wrote

Honestly outright annexation might be coming. It feels like international support for a two state solution has all but vanished.