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frosthowler t1_j2359p9 wrote

It won't ever push it to war. If Jordan scraps the peace treaty, Israel will seize the Temple Mount from the Jordanian Waqf, and give it to the House of Saud in exchange for peace.

Hussein would need to be out of his mind to give Israel such a sweet casus belli to change the caretaker of Al-Aqsa and secure peace with Saudi Arabia, which is much more useful than peace with Jordan. Jordan is on the receiving end in every way, including their water crisis which is entirely saved by Israel.


Persianx6 t1_j235k07 wrote

He means war between Palestine and Israel, not war between Jordan and Israel. Jordan will never war with Israel again and you outlined the reasons why.

But you should add in that: war may also expose king of Jordan as being a national loser and fraud. He'll avoid war forever by result, there's nothing to gain.

Peace with Saudi Arabia probably exists under the table now. Only thing a treaty would do is announce it louder.


phrostbyt t1_j23upop wrote

> and give it to the House of Saud in exchange for peace

I've been following Israeli politics my whole life and never even considered that a possibility until you posted it, what a novel concept