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Baxter9009 t1_j23ifoe wrote

He is late by about 30+ years, could have worked out if they didn't push for Oslo Accords.
The Gunpoint is pointless now because Jordan is in no position to annex territory or receive migrants by all metrics even if it wanted it.

source: from Jordan


Scorpion1024 t1_j23mlon wrote

You think nethanyahu cares? He’s been pretty transparent in his intentions. Hell, he’s the one who violated Oslo by allowing settlements to start being built.


Baxter9009 t1_j23of7u wrote

He would have done it years ago, would have caused global intervention from the resulting crisis. He had 15 years, the palestinians aren't going anywhere it's their home.
Israel also found out it's cheaper to let in workers behind the wall than importing jews from africa and housing them, a lot of things changed inside Israel just the last decade.


Scorpion1024 t1_j23pw2z wrote

He did do it almost thirty years ago when he authorized the first settlements. The intent is to effectively colonize large parts of the west bank to the point that once any formal negotiation over border lines happens the Palestinians and the rest of the world won’t have any real choice but to just accept a redrawn boundary.


Baxter9009 t1_j23qsca wrote

You said "handover the west bank at gunpoint" in top comment.
It's the other way around as you came around, Oslo was done to push Jordan out, now Palestinians are Israel's barbeque.