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brpajense t1_j29f20j wrote

The Iranian revolution was because of the Shah’s locking up opponents, brutalizing them in prison, and then people dying during protests, no?

How is today’s Iran different under Khameni? It’s just basically the same thing with a backwards foreign policy that makes everyone poor, and a religious morality police instead of SAVAK, right?


Lumpy-Dingo-947 t1_j2bei07 wrote

It’s different people being locked up and dying. Authoritarian rule trends to look the same from the outside though.


Victoresball t1_j2ckvqw wrote

People were trying to overthrow the Pahlavis for like 50 years. Just because people don't like a government does not mean it will be overthrown soon.


brpajense t1_j2cldj7 wrote

I wouldn’t say “soon”—more implying that the Iranian Revolution is a lot like what it originally overthrew, just poorer.


Specialist-Item-9310 t1_j2cyo3j wrote

The islamic revolution happened in 1 year, there was no protests from 1963 till 1977, and in 1963 islamists (current rulers) were protesting against women being given the right to vote since women's rights are haram in Islam.


margbardiktator t1_j2cq06e wrote

Not the same. Please don’t write this off as some sort of same-but-different kind of situation. The Islamic Republic is way, way more brutal, even if it has employed many of the same tactics in repression of dissent.

They have used child soldiers and even execute children. They are systematically raping men women and children right now in their prisons as torture against protesters, in addition to other types of physical and psychological torture they use as a matter of policy. The regime has been selling off pieces of the country to anyone willing to buy, and for almost nothing. They’ve destroyed so much of the natural environment of Iran, they’ve literally put poison in the earth, water and in the air. They have been spreading and sponsoring terrorism around the world, especially menacing their neighbors. They have instituted a gender apartheid and made all women second class citizens.

Anything to further their own agenda is to them not only morally justifiable, but morally required. With a religious mandate to spread their ideology and become a religious super power, they will do anything to accomplish their goals. Even if that means destroying Iran to make it happen.

The shah may have been a dictator, but he also loved Iran and loved Iranians. The Islamic Republic only sees Iranians and Iran as a means to and end.

Please checkout r/NewIran if you’re interested in seeing some of the struggle against this regime.


[deleted] t1_j2cv6m9 wrote



brpajense t1_j2cwck3 wrote

Popular reform that improves citizens lives are not the kind of thing that leads to popular unrest.

Dissidents were jailed, and torture was used on prisoners until 1977 after pressure from Jimmy Carter. There were also executions of political prisoners, but the treatment of prisoners deteriorated and political executions increased after the Revolution.

What the revolutionaries did was exaggerate the death toll to an absurd degree changing the Shah’s reputation, but then they immediately went further as soon as they got power.