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dzhastin t1_j22zqhd wrote

It’s also the product of having an enormous number of immigrants from the ex-Soviet Union. No offense to Russians, but they’re not exactly known for their appreciation of civil society and democratic values.


mikeymumbelz t1_j231dak wrote

Soviet citizens only really started making Aliyah back during the 1970s. Even then, it was extremely limited as the bulk didn't start going until 1991.

The fact of the matter is the bulk of soviet Jews came after the USSR fell. This was long after various wars and policies had already been in place.

>No offense to Russians, but they’re not exactly known for their appreciation of civil society and democratic values.

That's kind of a weird statement to make considering they didn't vote for their leadership. The USSR was a totalitarian super-state. You either went along with the party line or you got sent to the gulag.

People didn't vote Stalin or the others into power. They came to power through brute force and held that power through the same brute force.

Blaming Russians for the circumstances of the government they were born into is nonsense.


dzhastin t1_j235op0 wrote

Nobody’s blaming anybody for anything, but you can’t deny that people coming from an authoritarian environment with no concept of civil society might have different values. The way that Israel has rapidly lurched to the right since after the Russians started coming en masse can’t be an entire coincidence can it?


mikeymumbelz t1_j237aqg wrote

You can't deny that decades of conflict targeting Israel doesn't impact mindsets.

They're a refugee state which is founded by people who escaped war and came to a country which was under perpetual conflict for much of its existence.

People from any walk of life will eventually grow into a more defensive-minded people when they're constantly having to be ready for the next conflict.

This isn't specific to Russians. This isn't specific to Germans. This isn't specific to anyone. It's just what bad life situations can do to a person.


grapehelium t1_j23c3jz wrote

(cheek in tongue)

well, when the opposition to the right wing party is called "labor", I don't think the newly minted Russian Israelis cared what labors positions were. They would vote anything but labor

now a bit more seriously.....

this is also about the time of the Oslo accords which saw regular, horrific terrorist attacks against Israel. With no peace on the horizon, Israelis grew disillusioned with the idea that the palestinians wanted to have peaceful relations.


GSNadav t1_j23sswe wrote

bro you are just bullshitting without having a clue, most ex-soviets in Israel are voting Yisrael Beitenu which opposes Netanyahu. They don't have much power at all. This has nothing to do with Russia.