Submitted by hockeyfan33333 t3_10mou1o in worldnews
Hooflungdung85 t1_j646qzy wrote
Over the garden fence much?
d3kt3r t1_j64750f wrote
Oh no!
[deleted] t1_j6477il wrote
snakesnake9 t1_j647ev1 wrote
A country half a world away from them is getting US tanks. It anything it means less US tanks to fight North Korea.
Not entirely sure what they're on about, maybe just doing their but for the axis of evil.
Sicnics t1_j647hh1 wrote
Oceanlife on high alert
Donkey_Karate t1_j647ob5 wrote
And in other news, literally no one gives even a tiny little itty bitty fuck what north Korea says about anything...
Joealb123 t1_j647xsb wrote
Came here to say that!
BeltfedOne t1_j648qeo wrote
Does DPRK want the US to send tanks to them? /S
MWPinc t1_j648wr2 wrote
Well, if North Korea disapproves, guess it must be the right thing to do…
MinorFragile t1_j6498m2 wrote
Freaking SLAMMED
The_eyes_are_blind t1_j649m1b wrote
why does anyone post anything North Korea says? it's not even news, it's just rants of a schizo.
DemagogueDimension t1_j649qhg wrote
The irony is NK was already caught sending equipment to Russia
[deleted] t1_j649qpa wrote
escapingearth t1_j649zkn wrote
It speaks!
1_g0round t1_j64amwv wrote
hilarious...n korea weighing in ..i cant stop laughing
Yardseller85 t1_j64b1m1 wrote
LOL why the thumbnail pic of the Kim sister giving a bitchy evil eye to Mike Pense's back at the Olympics a few yrs ago???
Puppyl t1_j64bbuf wrote
We could just send them to SK, i’m sure they’d appreciate that
aesopcity t1_j64bg04 wrote
zedascouves1985 t1_j64bgae wrote
Come on and slam.
Somhlth t1_j64bvgt wrote
Is this the same North Karen that decides to send missiles over Japan? That North Karen? Sit down and shut the fuck up.
Buucho t1_j64bx5e wrote
So slammed, so slammed
Bigbadbuddo t1_j64caf4 wrote
Your ugliness is only surpassed by your stupidity
SuicideLakeEffectKid t1_j64ct0i wrote
Why, do they want some too
[deleted] t1_j64d4sk wrote
Comfortable-Fun-4116 t1_j64d4va wrote
Journalistic prowess at its best….”slams” - I freaking hate these figurative clickbait terms of bullshit
a_white_american_guy t1_j64d9y3 wrote
Is that was that slamming feeling was this morning?
Gryat t1_j64djjm wrote
Slam dunked
Diijkstra99x t1_j64dmq2 wrote
Give me attention. Oh nyoo
[deleted] t1_j64dv3q wrote
[deleted] t1_j64e30a wrote
IndicationAcademic76 t1_j64e97b wrote
The fish do be on high alert right now.
browntoe98 t1_j64eott wrote
Grand Slammed
[deleted] t1_j64ew3s wrote
GeekGoddessG t1_j64f6hm wrote
I'm sorry Kimmy, could you just wait your turn? The adults are talking.
[deleted] t1_j64f9na wrote
businessman99 t1_j64fda1 wrote
Simpleton journalist: SLAM!
Just-another-teapot t1_j64fj9q wrote
NK clocked on that the Russian gear is naff and want a free upgrade
Huge_Ad_8767 t1_j64fufg wrote
Now there's something we all better take not off .
NotDarkBrandon t1_j64gej9 wrote
How is this news? Who gives a fuck what North Korea thinks lol
SaveRushCatwalk t1_j64goi9 wrote
They would get mad at a weapon used on land.
GarlicBreadRules t1_j64gppz wrote
Oh no! I’ve been awake all night worrying about what North Korea had to say.
Torino1O t1_j64gxzx wrote
Probably aimed at south Korea to try and prevent them from sending K1A1s or K2 Panthers to Ukraine for field testing. Though I doubt South Korea had any plans for that in the first place.
SLDH1980 t1_j64io7t wrote
Slam, da duh duh, da duh duh Let the boys be boys Slam, da duh duh, da duh duh Make noise b-boys
Realfeedmaster t1_j64j2gv wrote
Slams? When are we going to reign in that word for articles? It's like a dog whistle for shitty journalism at this point.
[deleted] t1_j64l636 wrote
[deleted] t1_j64lqli wrote
Ok_Star_4136 t1_j64lwgn wrote
You launched that missile on porpoise!
Bigshow225 t1_j64mmth wrote
Or at them for that matter. Either way, they'd get tanks XD
Ok_Star_4136 t1_j64n0na wrote
> “The man is as useless as nipples on a breastplate.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows
Lopsided_Jelly_864 t1_j64n1vw wrote
Ah yes, the queen of resting witch-face speaks again.
Bigshow225 t1_j64n6rt wrote
How sad, too bad, nevermind
bergmoose t1_j64o5v4 wrote
Welcome to the jam?
Firamaster t1_j64ohg2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j64oigz wrote
nooo82222 t1_j64on69 wrote
Honestly I don’t think they sent enough.
warenb t1_j64p6s3 wrote
"Hey, I'm still here you know!" -Kim
h8ers_suck t1_j64r411 wrote
Pretty sure I read an article that they were supplying Russia with something, sounds mildly hypocritical.
Northman67 t1_j64r6rl wrote
Please stop giving this child attention.
llostintranslationn t1_j64ri92 wrote
Slam POETRY waving my hand
Big_Treacle_2394 t1_j64umrd wrote
Hurry up and gimme the microphone before I bust in my pants
[deleted] t1_j64xgu8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j64xn85 wrote
coreywindom t1_j64ykis wrote
Lol… if Kim Jung Un really wanted to help Putin he just needs to say he supports Ukraine
SpecialDieter t1_j6500r4 wrote
Honestly I’ve never felt for slammed in my life
grindxgarr t1_j652i4q wrote
"You want tanks!? Because that's how you get tanks"
dtfyoursister t1_j652ryi wrote
Like these little malnourished wackos can slam anything.
DeMalgamnated t1_j655si0 wrote
yep if all the shitty countries complain, you know it's right thing to do.
Havarti-Provolone t1_j65682j wrote
Oh really? They SLAMMED us?
Guess we're SLAMMED
Slammin slam slammy slammy slam
[deleted] t1_j65az14 wrote
Zealousideal-Pool872 t1_j65fbgh wrote
Since when have we gave a single F what those simpletons think? Oooo “slammed” by North Korea, what a journalistic masterpiece
[deleted] t1_j65jj8a wrote
ScenePlayful1872 t1_j65lmbt wrote
Hey Sis, how about YOU send some of your tanks to Russia to use in Ukraine and see how they do
[deleted] t1_j65sbxe wrote
[deleted] t1_j65vco4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j65xc41 wrote
whyreadthis2035 t1_j66a930 wrote
Oh no! The US fails to please North Korea. Why is this news?
BleepinArc t1_j66dzu1 wrote
Oh, shut up, you facist inbred fucks.
HahaFreeSpeech t1_j66hury wrote
North Korea should just shut the fuck up and counterfeit currency, or manufacture meth and whatever else they do for fun.
Advanced_Unit420 t1_j66kpqg wrote
kimmy is going to protest this by shooting missiles into the ocean
Mcrski88 t1_j66mf2g wrote
Uncle Sam dares Poos little cousins to come visit.
No-Air3090 t1_j66wrzn wrote
North Korea couldnt slam a door.....
KimJongoUn t1_j66zvsi wrote
i resemble that remark
Mirathecat22 t1_j672dpq wrote
They supplied Russia with rockets so they can shut up
Ok-Welder-4816 t1_j6741at wrote
Yes please. I hear they make top quality glass, since they have proper industrial facilities and no need to hide them.
Unfortunately most of the shit in my neck of the woods is either local (i.e. bathtub) or Mexican. Unless you live near an embassy, I guess.
HahaFreeSpeech t1_j678zbu wrote
Say no to drugs buddy. Well besides weed. Weed is ok, but Meth will have you looking like a 2 dollar toothless crack whore. I guess if that’s your thing, then have a good time.
[deleted] t1_j67mgz3 wrote
gsc4494 t1_j67nj2b wrote
Anyone else sick of EVERY article using the word 'slam'?
[deleted] t1_j67yupl wrote
johnwilliams815 t1_j684035 wrote
Nobody cares.
GigaLlama t1_j685csq wrote
Yeah no one gives a shit what NK says. Worthless nation.
[deleted] t1_j685ek8 wrote
No-Turnip-7869 t1_j68gux1 wrote
Peace, isn’t it that hard?
Beautiful_Village381 t1_j68hdpx wrote
The remark of any world leader with a nuclear arsenal is always news
[deleted] t1_j68sq2q wrote
[deleted] t1_j6911iv wrote
guiltyblow t1_j696ued wrote
Cactusjack_96 t1_j69ldjg wrote
That bitch looks like a soggy dollar bill covered in mayonnaise
nematocyzed t1_j6jcko1 wrote
Kinda gross.
News editors used to vett for accuracy. Now they are in charge of putting out the most clickbaity headlines they possibly can.
It's fucking shitty.
[deleted] t1_j646m6q wrote