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fuqqkevindurant t1_j5qvn55 wrote

So you prefer the outcome in which more people die and face lifelong health consequences? Totally not sociopathic at all


Turtlehead88 t1_j5r1eq1 wrote

Don’t bother. America good. Russia bad. Any more thought than that will give them a headache.


Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r51p2 wrote

They want the Russian leadership to be disposed of or choose their people over their greed. If they will not choose their people and kin over greed and corruption then the Russian populace must topple them. Every Russian going about their day making money for the state and propping up the country directly leads to dead Ukrainians. If they don’t want to face the consequences of profiteering from belligerency then they should hold their leadership accountable.

You don’t get to repeatedly punch someone in the face then call yourself a victim when no one wants to help you up when you fall.
