Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j6fho3u wrote
Reply to comment by ThrowAwayAway755 in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
We can agree to disagree. If the country is Russia right now I don’t see moral qualms with limiting drug exports aside from specifics which are not produced in Russia at all or with a sufficient alternative. The west right now is trying to, rightfully, destroy Russian industry and economy. That directly hurts individual Russians. So does limiting medicine imports. Just because you don’t have to acknowledge that poorer areas of Russia are seeing malnutrition and worse life conditions right now from the other sanctions doesn’t mean it’s not what we are causing (tbh Putin causing it all through unjustified aggression and slaughter). That’s because individual Russian make up the Russian economy and therefore the war machine. It’s the whole point of sanctions. Did y’all really think this wasn’t hurting Russian citizens and causing some to skip or miss meals?
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r61oe wrote
Reply to comment by Chiliconkarma in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
What do you think props up the regime? Their populace having access to food and medicine. No one should stand in the way of that, but at the same time to do business with and export such things TO Russia will never do anything but convince Russians they can keep their lifestyle and kill their neighbors at the same time.
Let the Russian government handle the medical and nutritional needs of their populace. And if that fails then allow humanitarian aid under the implication that those receiving it are well aware of how and why they have to receive foreign aid packages.
Edit: btw I don’t mean wait and watch people starve until Russian leadership begs. I mean send the ultimatum. Russian leadership will realize they will be overthrown in a matter of days should that be the case. Then bring them to the negotiating table. Foreign aid/continuation of medical and food stuffs in return for xyz
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r5kl9 wrote
Reply to comment by geophilo in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
To be fair if you coddle and protect the populace enabling the invasion they will never change their way.
Personally I think donations should be allowed. Making a profit seems dirty
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r51p2 wrote
Reply to comment by fuqqkevindurant in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
They want the Russian leadership to be disposed of or choose their people over their greed. If they will not choose their people and kin over greed and corruption then the Russian populace must topple them. Every Russian going about their day making money for the state and propping up the country directly leads to dead Ukrainians. If they don’t want to face the consequences of profiteering from belligerency then they should hold their leadership accountable.
You don’t get to repeatedly punch someone in the face then call yourself a victim when no one wants to help you up when you fall.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r4mb8 wrote
Reply to comment by TurkeyLuver in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
Russia could leave? That’s literally what sanctions are: turning the screws on a country so that there’s no war and the government still has to choose between their people/economy/etc and continuing the action that invited the sanctions.
Everyone freaking out over this but have no problem with sanctions that reduce the food in the mouths of the youth i affected countries. It’s the same thing and still the most peaceful path.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r48nx wrote
Reply to comment by Turtlehead88 in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
I don’t think they want that. They want no business done with Russia, and any unfortunate examples of such “no business” is just blood on the hands of the Russian leadership.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r3z6p wrote
Reply to comment by Ceratisa in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
This should be Switzerland’s Wikipedia page for the 20th/21st centuries
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r3t7w wrote
Reply to comment by tonytony87 in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
“If you invade we won’t deal with you during it.” Pretty neutral. Doesn’t take a side or support the opposition it only changes something for the instigators through lack of action rather than action itself.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j5r3m3r wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high by BezugssystemCH1903
Very edgy and I’m sure unbiased
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j2456q5 wrote
Reply to comment by phdthrowaway110 in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
Alright pal
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j2451is wrote
Reply to comment by Scorpion1024 in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
“Yo someone sold me this ima build a house”
“That’s illegal”
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j244wzy wrote
Reply to comment by khaberni in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
None of these are tangible explanations in the sense that there are worthwhile historical parallels to compare them to. You hate the west and Jews and are grasping at thin air for more copium. Chinese interest? Good god the Palestinians are fucked if China gains a stronghold in the area. They’re literally ethnically cleansing their Muslim population as we speak.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j244h1f wrote
Reply to comment by khaberni in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
You know Jordan could have just taken the West Bank back? But they don’t want refugees they just want the status quo. You know Egypt could VASTLY do so much more as a bordering state given the absence of security risk… except they keep the border insultingly locked and tell everyone it’s the jews. The Palestinians’ other regional neighbors do not give a flying fuck about them and are very aware of how little sense the claim to Israel’s land makes. But if it gets Palestinians to kill themselves trying to kill Israelites then that’s a win for them because it further strains Israel’s resources as well as international image.
I genuinely do not understand how people can come to such strong opinions and conclusions without taking the time to read up on the matter when what’s at stake is literal human lives and suffering. What do you want Israel to do? Their offer for separate states was rejected, they pulled out and let their guard down which was met with the second intifada, and they have asked Jordan to literally take some of the area to help. The Palestinians neighbors that they are told are their brothers shut them in and give them weapons and funding under the condition that they attack Israel. It’s just sad
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j2438vm wrote
Reply to comment by khaberni in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
You uhhh know Israel wanted to disengage from the conflict multiple times, tried to give land back to Jordan, literally pulled out of varying areas? When they did that the surrounding neighbors that tell idiots in the west that Israel is keeping the Palestinians down either barred Palestinian refugees or marked them as second class citizens without the privileges of certain professions and benefits. The other nations surrounding them want it to keep going as it means a preoccupied and weaker Israel. There’s a reason the other border states don’t want to create a porous border for the Palestinians and came up with the idea of right of return to a nation of Palestine that didn’t exist prior. It allows them to funnel weaponry, money, and propaganda to extend the conflict without taking on responsibilities. You think Egypt, Syria, Jordan, etc give a fuck about Palestinians? No. They have so much at their disposal and have had so many options to do literally any better than they did. Instead they stole the flames and throw Palestinian youth at the meat grinder.
Sounds like you don’t even know what the second intifada is ??
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j2422s7 wrote
Reply to comment by VeggieSpringRolls in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
You’re ignoring literal historical events and context and taking a skewed perspective at face value. Russia and the former Arab brotherhood have done an absolutely remarkable job of destroying the west’s common knowledge and agreement when it comes to history.
Jews get evicted by a third party -> Israel wants to populate and build infrastructure -> a bunch of morons think it’s somehow genocide. Apparently Jews have to take every punch laying down and if they try to return to previous lands it’s completely different and immoral. But a bunch of people deserve their land which they did not live on previously because the Iran-Russia block said so.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j241ss4 wrote
Reply to comment by VeggieSpringRolls in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
If someone looks at the sky and tells me it’s green I’m not gonna waste my fucking time educating them on wave lengths and photon interactions with components of our atmosphere. Because it takes an intentionally dishonest person to arrive at the conclusion in the first place, so they’re not going to simply rectify a misunderstanding.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j240u43 wrote
Reply to comment by phdthrowaway110 in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
That’s just really not true. At best it’s a misunderstanding of existing context born from ignorance
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j240s5d wrote
Reply to comment by RMS7246 in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
Y’all ate so much propaganda you live in a different reality wow
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j240kzd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Japan to require COVID-19 tests for all visitors from China by EternalPinkMist
People here complaining isn’t the end of the world or a sign of hypocrisy among an entire ideologically aligned populace. People love to complain, especially on the internet. It could be a beautiful day and you’ll find one of the millions of visitors on Reddit complain that they were really hoping for a shit day.
The idea of a mass spread to quickly adjust with disregard for safety does actually sound just like a CCP move
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j22e8dj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
Omg a wild unaware propaganda feaster
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j21l01n wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
Lmao fucking what? Ight guys just move on
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j21ktmp wrote
Reply to comment by ugmold in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
We’ll hol up now that’s one hell of a title there I feel like I can name at least 20 leaders from history far worse and I’m not even particularly knowledgeable regarding most cultures.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j21kjrc wrote
Reply to comment by medfreak in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
Israel has policing in place at sights disallowing worship for Jews because it makes the hamas and their backers shit their pants, cry, and try to kill same Israelis citizens.
Easier to expect civility from your citizens and ask them to understand they can’t pray there for public safety as an appeasement effort or whatever than to let them go and risk them getting attacked or retaliatory attacks. Even if they shoot down almost all the incoming rockets and one lands with only property damage, and there’s an increase in attacks on civilians but for the most part increased spending and enforcement works, it’s just NOT worth it for praying at a holy site.
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_j21jjpu wrote
Reply to comment by khaberni in Jordan king warns of 'red lines' in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office by Pilast
Brother what the hell you on rn? And what’s it called lmao
Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_je9tq2q wrote
Reply to Four bankers who helped Putin’s friend set up Swiss bank account convicted by BezugssystemCH1903
when you get convicted for you nations pass time