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Sad-Internet-9363 t1_j6h92ty wrote

I tought every country has right to veto? So what if turkey wanted to use it? Doesnt matter whats the motive behind it. Where were finland and sweden years ago? What did trigger them to join nato now?

Ye downvote me to hell 🫰


LewisLightning t1_j6hbfa2 wrote

Yes, but NATO is an organization that's supposed to work together, if Turkey isn't working together why should it remain in the group? So it very much matters what Turkey's reasoning is, if it's a legitimate concern for the overall well- wing of the organization that's one thing. If it's for their own political or financial gain or just to be petty then perhaps its membership should be reviewed.


Sad-Internet-9363 t1_j6hc853 wrote

Why it has to be legimate claim? They could just veto it like other eu countries hold romania and bulgaria back, greece hold macedonia back. Whats the problem here i dont really see. If turkish army doesnt wanna fight beside swedish army which applied ambargo on turkey for years, i dont see any problem them to veto this tbh. I also dont understand where were sweden finland before? When all nato share their arms to empowered together? Turkey lost many soldiers in south korea to join nato. Its their right to use their veto imo.


Mormegil1971 t1_j6hhg9h wrote

It is true that Turkey was a part of the Korea conflict. But back then, it was a country still influenced by Mustafa Kemal, which was stongly secular and one of the great leaders of the time (he still would be one, had he been alive today!).
Since then, there has been a couple of coups, the invasion of Cyprus, amongst other things, like attacking kurdish organizations who were fighting against ISIS. Even some quiet support of ISIS, if one is to beleive certain sources (like members of the US congress).
There is also jailing of critical journalists, and of political opponents (the mayor of Istanbul was a high-profile one example, recently). The beating of protesters at a Turkish state visit to the US is another example. So, ever since Atatürk, Turkey has changed. It is, sadly, not the same nation as it was back then.

Neither is NATO the same organization as it was back then. At that time, it was to work against communism and the Soviet Union. Communism is gone, so is the Soviet Union. NATO has become a organization which promotes democracy and freedom more than one to combat communism at all costs.

Still, it has the right to veto, as it still is a member. Though, I wonder how many of the current members would have been let in by Turkey now, if they hadn't been members already?

I used to be all for a NATO membership. But if it means supporting Erdogan, changing our constitution, having political courts and having no free speech, we would only remake ourselves in the image of Erdogan. Then it is not worth it. We will then instead strengthen our defenses on our own, and if we then die alone in the defence of freedom, so be it. It is preferable to being under the thumb of a pseudo-dictator, or real dictator, of any nation.


Rirotto t1_j6hexy9 wrote

It went something like that, during WWII Russia suffered big losses when attacking Finland and in order to focus their efforts somewhere else Russia proposed a neutrality pack with Finland and other Scandinavian countries (unsure about this part). So Finland become a neutral country in exchange for Russia pulling their military and taking a piece of their land. They want to join NATO because they do not trust Russia to honour their agreement towards them and are seeking a protection kind of thing which all in all is beneficial for NATO countries as it puts even more landmass between core members and Russia. I hope this makes sense and should be accurate enough information for you to look into it further if you are interested.


mydogisanassholeama t1_j6hgdrf wrote

Romania, Bulgaria and North Macedonia are all members of NATO. You are confusing it with the schengen zone. Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO.


Sad-Internet-9363 t1_j6l8wj9 wrote

In your dreams babyyyy yeeeeeehaw 🤠🤠🫰 i meeeaaaan what were sweden and finland doing all these years 🤣 now they are so hasty about getting into nato. 💀 Hope they manage it 🥰🥰
