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False_Fondant8429 t1_j5et8tw wrote

This is due to flooding not what you think it is


infodawg OP t1_j5ex74d wrote

Was the flooding releasing waste from dumps?


srbistan t1_j5ezjqo wrote

there are open unattended waste dumps upstream and every time you have major rain this happens. but it's ok mate, when it comes up to their necks they'll just move to another planet... oh!


infodawg OP t1_j5f43zt wrote

>hey'll just move to another planet... oh!



srbistan t1_j5f8em1 wrote

believe it or not there is much, much bigger problem with that watershed ... it is a disused gold mine Stolice, which has a huge reservoir of toxic sludge (cyanide, arsen, mercury) deteriorating and threatening to burst into the drina river (upstream to danube and shit lot of people, mind you).

we are talking about hundreds of tons of stuff and nobody gives a shit as the last owner of the mine was some kind of political figure (reads : war profiteer turned politician). and even if a good fairy was to appear and cough out the dough to fix it all i still doubt it would be fixed, instead local trash would find a way to misappropriate funds, not giving two fucks what happens tomorrow.

look for "people are tribal" amos's monologue from SF book "the expanse" if you wonder "how come" while reading this...