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Test19s t1_j4dcohb wrote

Historically migration from poorer countries to richer ones benefits both sides as the migrants, even if they don’t return, send money back and/or vacation in the old country. In a more zero-sum economy due to tightening supply chains that might not work though.


Pryamus t1_j4df2r0 wrote

This one will not be different I am afraid: more and more refugees to both Europe and Russia. Right now the borders are closed for adult men, but will eventually reopen, and they will go earn money there and rejoin families. It’s the ones that stay who will have very hard years ahead, if not decades.


SuperSprocket t1_j4fpkl0 wrote

History can be misleading, things do change and that needs to be recognised, economic development being a big one.

There are only so many jobs for refugees in a first world nation with limited low skill employment options. Even a relatively similar nation like Ukraine will have this issue; the demand is for expertise not general workforce.

They will struggle to find decent employment, and may do better to migrate home after the war.