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ErectionDenier2024 t1_j6f3utp wrote

As a US citizen, I'm absolutely OK with this. The money should be watched to make sure it goes to where it's needed most.


Iron-Fett t1_j6fqf5d wrote

Then it would be going to help Americans not some other country.


Dismal-Past7785 t1_j6g1okm wrote

Helping the geopolitical goals of the USA is helping the American people, and we’re rich enough to do both anyways. The crowd screaming about Ukraine aid should be going to the USA has massive overlap with the anti-socialism, anti-government crowd that should be pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps anyways (while often being dependent on government handouts).

There’s a reason Kynect in Kentucky is super popular while Obamacare is super unpopular despite them being the exact same thing.


GrantedPermission t1_j6g9cme wrote

America is fully capable of helping themselves and many other countries. They choose to let Americans suffer because they’re not pulling themselves up by the bootstraps. I’m noticing a trend of republicans saying this, yet at the same time advocating against anything actually helpful to Americans I.e. healthcare, higher income assistance, higher education standards, more public resources


circ_le_jerk_69 t1_j6g0e02 wrote

Right, because the US doesn't have enough resources for us to both take care of ourselves, and also stop a genocide at the same time?


ErectionDenier2024 t1_j6fql74 wrote

While we do need to do more for the people's also OK that we assist the people in Ukraine.