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Revolutionary_Roll78 t1_j6j93ar wrote

Guess China is going to SLAM her for doing that.


StainerIncognito t1_j6jg6x9 wrote

Lol. Headline tomorrow: 'China SLAMS Czech President-Elect for Taiwan call.' Or better yet: 'China SLAMS Everyone for Everything.'


count023 t1_j6khf9j wrote

'China SLAMS Everyone for Everything.' Everything everywhere all at once'

Gotta get the clickbait for the oscars in as part of the title, don't forget.


Law-of-Poe t1_j6k9s9m wrote

Some faster than others but China, Russia and Iran are all slowly turning into NK.

Hell of a country to emulate…


galahad423 t1_j6lwo1c wrote

well damn

its almost like rejecting longstanding principals of international law like national sovereignty and human rights, and substituting them for such diplomatic tools as - *checks notes*

- meaningless saber rattling and the general erosion of truth and fact in favor of authoritarian myth-making (shit, really? this is what they came up with?) could turn you into an international pariah.

Who knew?

Just keep threatening to nuke/declare war on everybody though unless you get exactly what you want. I'm sure this time that'll work


polkaron t1_j6jnlei wrote

gonna save and check back on this tomorrow


Truffans t1_j6irp40 wrote

Good! Free, democratic countries should stop bending over to China or, as Germany and others did for a long time, Russia.


Lirvan t1_j6jk2ms wrote

How is this a diplomatic coup?

He just reached out to the newly elected Czech president, who has previously stated positive things about Taiwan.

Misleading title.


kidamnesiac24 t1_j6jnxc1 wrote

Taking a call from a head of state in Taiwan is equivalent to denying that the CCP rules China, in their perspective. Trump was also lambasted for doing this when he was elected president of the US.

The “coup” bit is kinda colorful language to refer to a sudden shift in diplomatic relations… clickbaity, but not really untrue. Edit: to clarify, I’m not sure what the Czech stance is on Taiwan but I’m speaking from the US perspective of strategic ambiguity.


pearlsandplumes t1_j6kdpvy wrote

>The “coup” bit is kinda colorful language to refer to a sudden shift in diplomatic relations

Actually, the coup in this context refers to a victory for Taiwan on the diplomatic front. It's the second definition for this particular noun and is used quite often:

>an instance of successfully achieving something difficult


kidamnesiac24 t1_j6lrsul wrote

I understand that it’s not incorrect, as I said. It’s just a colorful choice of words when the subject is political divisions and war. In that regard, it’s a bit provocative on purpose. Otherwise it didn’t stand out to me at all.


PublicFurryAccount t1_j6iytgl wrote

China spent 30 years diplomatically isolating Taiwan, Xi has undone it with a single 11-day exercise.


x_is_mad t1_j6j02gu wrote

> Xi has undone it with a single 11-day exercise.

What did he do recently?


PublicFurryAccount t1_j6j0tfm wrote

We’re still watching the effects of their exercise last year. It will be at least a year before that is done, especially if China keeps up the hostile rhetoric toward literally everyone.


ArchmageXin t1_j6k1xqi wrote

As if China isn't being lambasted for like everything for decades by western governments/activists/NGO etc.

Like or hate Xi, to think a few actions like a (Military?) exercise undone "Friendship with the world" is laughable at best.


TROPtastic t1_j6kg7ka wrote

Yes, shame on those powerful activists and NGOs bullying the small, startup government of the CCP.


ArchmageXin t1_j6kjie9 wrote

I agree, is a pity western government can't just overthrown the CCP by a well organized social media campaign or a few bribed generals.

But the point still stands--critics and accusations about China, right or wrong existed waaay before Xi left United States.


Torlov t1_j6o9xuv wrote

Yes, it is a shame we are unable to overthrow a totalitarian genocidal regime that easily.


Apes-Together_Strong t1_j6lqpjv wrote

Good. More pressure on China to powerlessly attempt to defend their asserted reality is always good.


CityofGlass419 t1_j6kcjfw wrote

Taiwan will have to take over anyways when thier 1 party system falls in on itself. Might as well start building relationships with other leaders.

At least the government in exile exists, otherwise the UN would have to deal with that mess.
