
1nd3x t1_jefmthk wrote

That wave is more like the "pressure of the electricity" where more voltage means it goes further above/below zero, and the direction of that pressure(forward or backwards) is decided based on if it's above or below the zero line.

If it was a hose of water it's like turning on the tap and having water flow out of the hose, then get sucked back into the hose over and over.

For a brief moment there is no push or suction...that's your "0 point" otherwise it's either pushing the electrons down the wire. Or sucking them up the wire which means any individual electron might not actually "move" very much, much like the specific water molecules at the end of the hose would just go in and out of the tip rapidly...so too does the electrons

While DC power is a flat line at whatever voltage it is and that's more like a hose just shooting water out of it at a steady rate.


1nd3x t1_iyejnvj wrote

>Exactly. Kind of a waste of time.

Not for me it wasnt...I'd tip you but I'm an asshole...lol

Seriously though, thanks for taking the time to write this stuff out. I've been going through some of your comments as I find them here and you've done some things I was considering and didnt, and I did some things you were considering and didnt...kinda allows me to learn from the things I decided not to, and see what make others consider not doing it (like...was I just lucky on a coinflip I thought was in the bag based on missing some info...info you maybe had that caused you to think "nah, not for me")


You mentioned Uranium, I would offer up Helium as another commodity now that the US government is done price suppressing it.

If you want some symbol tips, or want to connect and chat about investments in general send me a PM, I'm always interested in expanding my network of trusted individuals(just you, I'm ignoring other people messaging me requests)


1nd3x t1_iya4cyi wrote

My ADHD provides me all the Psychological richness I could ever want...it makes it exceptionally hard to get my allotment of eudaimonia though and the hedonia is a mixed bag...