2468975 OP t1_iy03mvr wrote

I don’t disagree with your point. It is valid. But business owners would have a vested interest in reducing crime in the city and making it more appealing for visitors with money to visit the city. Not saying they also wouldn’t do shady things for their own benefit. It’s really a challenge to get decent people and give them the support to make change.


2468975 OP t1_iy00hp1 wrote

Thank you for clarifying that question. Now that it is clarified (not full or immediate), I agree it’s inconsequential now, but what about in 20 years? When dozens could have worked 8 years, turned 65, and now collect? Is that sustainable for Baltimore city government? Honestly interested in your opinion.


2468975 OP t1_ixzykpz wrote

And is this situation uniquely American? If so, why does the monarchy exist? Why does the caste system still exist (even if legally it doesn’t)? What you have said sounds good, but given your lack of response to how to put anything in action, the responses seem to simply parrot popular views, but lack substance.


2468975 OP t1_ixzjzjo wrote

Do the jobs that give partial pensions after 3 years start paying that pension immediately or only after the person turns 65?

In the case of the council members, do their pension payments start after 8 years or after they turn 65? That makes a difference for sustainability in the long term.

For example, the police are vested after 10 years. If they leave after 10 years, they will get a small pension after turning 65 years old. They are fully vested after 25 years. That means that after 25 years of service they get pension payments regardless of their age. Someone correct me if I’m wrong please.


2468975 OP t1_ixzgk0r wrote

You have a lot of good responses. You have suggested that city residents can create legislation to try and overturn the pension ruling or lobby for workers rights, but haven’t said how. How, do I, a single person, go about lobbying? How do I start legislation? I’m not being sarcastic. I’m honestly asking to be educated. What is my starting point to act rather than just talk? For example, the person who responded to email the mayor and provided a link. That is actionable. That is an example of what I’m hoping to learn.


2468975 OP t1_ixzc1ut wrote

Aren’t our elected officials supposed to do this for us too? But as demonstrated here, they vote that police should work 5 years longer to qualify for pension and they should work 4 years less. I agree, corporate America has issues. That is why we need elected officials who give a crap about us and not just themselves.


2468975 OP t1_ixzbjt3 wrote

I’m glad we’re having this conversation. I took it to mean 8 years full pension because when the police pension was revised, they said it changed from 20 to 25 years. That is for the full pension. Nobody talked about their partial pension after 10 years. We definitely need clarification of this point.


2468975 OP t1_ixza656 wrote

That’s a fair point, but correct me if I’m wrong, if you leave after 10 years you are vested and will receive a small pension, but won’t get paid that pension until you’re 65. To receive a full pension, with immediate payments, you may have to work 30 years. Whereas, in the instance of city council members, they are going to receive their full pension after 8 years of service and will receive it immediately, rather than only after turning 65 years old. That equates to decades more of payout to these council members when compared to other government employees. It doesn’t seem sustainable.


2468975 OP t1_ixz53pv wrote

I might try to be a Robert Stokes. 8 years to work part time while making 70k+ / year and then get a pension? Seems better then the 40+ years I will spend working full time while contributing to my 401k with no guarantees.


2468975 OP t1_ixz2okj wrote

Is there any other job you can do for 8 or 12 years and have a pension for life? If these positions don’t offer such a compelling financial benefit then maybe self-serving individuals wouldn’t be interested and people who want to better their community would be in these positions instead.