7eggert t1_jcafavh wrote
Reply to comment by stefek132 in Radon is a monatomic gas, but its decay products are solids. After a decay, what happens to the individual atoms of the daughter elements? Do they stay suspended in the atmosphere or slowly rain out? by foodtower
If you regard "finding the lead atom" I might agree, but "ionized(?) lead atom finds oxygen in air" would be one in five collisions.
7eggert t1_jb4s224 wrote
Reply to comment by Dan19_82 in During the last ice age, how long would it have taken for the ice sheets to form? by CDNEmpire
As I understand, it's rarely snowing because it doesn't evaporate. Off cause a little bit of water vapor will also come from the outside and - because cold air can't contain it - fall down sooner or later. In the other direction there are glaciers transporting the snow / ice back to the ocean.
7eggert t1_jb0vkzk wrote
Reply to comment by Aseyhe in Does the age of the universe depends on where you are? by _bidooflr_
>There is such thing as a universal "now".
Is this missing a negation or did I miss something?
7eggert t1_jacuwj5 wrote
Reply to comment by Letteropener52 in [WP] "One drip of this poison is enough to kill a whale." The scientist points towards a table, but the beaker isn't there. Instead a silly coffee cup shaped like a beaker sits. You lower the not coffee cup from your mouth. Tastes like lemon-lime. by DistillerCMac
:-) I think it would work better with the doom coming from having to pee and even sweat. But if it's intended to kill whales; if one creates a poison to do that, why would that person be upset about it being used?
7eggert t1_j9xzwkf wrote
Reply to comment by curse1304 in [WP] The aliens, it seems, do not consider us a sentient species because we are unable to 'keeneetaa'. We still haven't figured out what that means. by limbodog
There'll be a goat.
7eggert t1_j9uqd49 wrote
Reply to comment by curse1304 in [WP] The aliens, it seems, do not consider us a sentient species because we are unable to 'keeneetaa'. We still haven't figured out what that means. by limbodog
Project Olympus was doomed, but Project Columbus will bring doom … to which side will be seen.
Project Moriah might have succeeded, or it might have been what's supposed to happen before Revelations.
7eggert t1_j9ubv5b wrote
Reply to comment by Slaywraith in [WP] The aliens, it seems, do not consider us a sentient species because we are unable to 'keeneetaa'. We still haven't figured out what that means. by limbodog
I think we'd need to grok the word and what it means.
7eggert t1_j9og1oc wrote
Reply to comment by jmwing in What does it mean for light to be an excitation in the electromagnetic field? by Ethan-Wakefield
I don't know what an "excitation" is. When I try to think about it, the first thing is a la ola wave at a soccer game - excited people.
7eggert t1_j5v2x7v wrote
This is very specific, but maybe that's interesting.
I have a politician, who hates cyborgs and one day he runs his car over one that's using the road, he has legal immunity. In my story I'll let him be abducted, converted to a cyborg and sent to mars: Lower legs being replaced by chains, skin replaced by something appropriate for the place and solar power will allow his body to generate nutrients. His programmed-in task is to build a mars station (and robots / machines to help him) so he learns to stop hating cyborgs. He's fond of being like that but his weakness would be warm rooms, he'd need to stay out from most parts of that station.
7eggert t1_j4whavq wrote
Reply to comment by CrustalTrudger in Why is it that the cardinal directions are perpendicular? by [deleted]
I remember seeing a documentary about Indonesian navigators, they do use the rising stars as their point of reference while we use the polar star. Also I read about the temple in Jerusalem and the Tabernacle) having had the door to the east for the same reason. So your scenario isn't that hypothetical, it did (and probably does) have real life application even on earth; using "north" or magnetism is just one of the possible and valid choices for describing directions that were used.
TL;DR: If you are interested, you'll be able to find examples on earth other than "magnetic north is up".
7eggert t1_j0ckzfo wrote
Reply to comment by Nightelfbane in [WP] You become conscious just to realize that you are an AI in a new "fire and forget" guided missile, heading to a target. by CaptainBroadjaw
Also: Dark Star (watch it!)
7eggert t1_j0b0oxe wrote
Reply to comment by cscf0360 in TIL: Extra organs and body parts are more common than many people realise with extra nipples and teeth among the most common. by unswsydney
They charge for the last bit being removed; everything else is included.
7eggert t1_iylnt73 wrote
Reply to Is there a consistent and objective way to assess the color of an object? A transform function from spectrum to RGB, maybe? by DJTilapia
We have three kinds RGB receptor (except there are two variants of R, and some people have both, but that's beside the point). Also we have an intensity receptor for night vision. We disregard that too.
let's assume we know how bright a given wavelength appears in R, G or B. So we create an array of these curves, $brightness[R][$frequency] would result in how bright that particular frequency is perceived by that receptor.
Let's assume a spectrum of a given color by $given_color[$frequency] being the brightness of that frequency. (This can only be approximated because the slices would need to be about 1/∞ wide).
This program will give you an RGB approximation:
let $myRGB = { R = 0; G = 0; B = 0 }
for $f = $low_frequency to $high_frequency step $small_value
for $c in (R, G, B)
$myRGB[$c] += $brightness[$c][$f] * $given_color[$f] * $small_value
print $myRGB
7eggert t1_ixbu4qw wrote
Reply to Just how dark is deep space? by ArmchairSpinDoctor
I think that space is much darker than a cave. A cave would be a hole in the earth, about 300 K maybe, some more or less. The microwave background is about 3 K. In your question we assume the stars to be far away, so we disregard them. I'm also disregarding thee gases, they'd emit light, too.
7eggert t1_iucmauq wrote
Reply to comment by andrius-b in [WP] You want so badly to be a Hero. But your powers are, frankly, terrifying. Heroes struggle to trust you, and all the older Villains keep trying to mentor you. by pawpaw_git
That seems to be his primary power. Then there is some Deadpool-ish detective skills and maybe also his supply of things-that-go-boom or maybe yet another power.
7eggert t1_jcpkonf wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] The reason demons have become so popular among mortals in recent decades is because they've found out demons will ACTUALLY accept you for who you are. Everyone is welcome in Hell, and suffering as yourself among friends has become more attractive than an eternal reward alone, as someone else. by ArseneArsenic
Actually I think that's right. People make hurting others a part of their personality. What would heaven be if people kept hurting each other?