ACasualNerd t1_ixsps09 wrote
Reply to Hubble Telescope Observes Surreal Galactic Collision | The merging galaxies, heavily distorted by gravity, have formed an unusual celestial ring. by chrisdh79
I'm really glad to know they have every intention of continuing to use Hubble and not just throwing her away because they have the JWST, I hope it was launched 12 years before my birth, and when I really started getting into space that's whenever I first found out about the Hubble telescope and all the really cool images it had captured. As much as I love the James Webb space telescope I am still very biased for Hubble she's the workhorse and therefore I love her
ACasualNerd t1_jb32435 wrote
Reply to A duo of 81-year-old women are on the adventure of a lifetime: Seeing the world in 80 days by OregonTripleBeam
Wishing them both the best, enjoy this beautiful planet before it all turns to grey