APandChill t1_ixc7t0y wrote
Reply to Salt Lake City's city council voted in favor of a project to build a small community of tiny homes for people experiencing chronic homelessness! by Taintastic
As heartless as this sounds, my tax money shouldn’t be going to house drug addicts and lazy people. Let me help them if I want to, don’t force me to do it.
APandChill t1_ixc7k6x wrote
Reply to comment by Jaxsdooropener in LDS Church comes out for federal bill that recognizes same-sex marriage by creamboy2623
Which is ridiculous. This is why ALL religions shouldn’t be exempt from taxation. I’m LDS and it pisses me off my money would go into politics.
APandChill t1_j3uigfc wrote
Reply to comment by Almostawardguy in The ozone layer is on track to recover in the next 40 years, the United Nations says by ascendingthemountain
The Jeopardy reference completely flew over your head didn’t it? 😂🤣😂