
Abeyita t1_jd7wkzq wrote

I regret every decision I make the first month. I just hate change. But after that month things get better. I felt regret when I got my cat, when I left my awful job, when I started my good job, when I started dating my bf. I always regret making changes, but after a while I can enjoy the benefits and I truly enjoy my choices.


Abeyita t1_iqvw8uv wrote

Did you read my comment? It can be any human emotion. It's about the things that are supposed to stay within the relationship. Have you ever been in a serious relationship? Did you not talk and share about stuff that weren't supposed to leave the relationship? Did you not go through things together that were non of anyones business except of you two?


Abeyita t1_iqvtoax wrote

Some emotions and thoughts are only to be shared with certain people imo. It is part of the bond of trust between partners. Just like some activities are only to be shared with certain people. The activities are physical cheating, the emotions are emotional cheating.