
AcolyteOfTheHand t1_jcg4zob wrote

It is a musical about a town that bans dancing because the typically shitty christian minister is clutching pearls.

Thanks for not being a Karen like the below poster and insisting people don't use common cultural references just because you don't know them.


AcolyteOfTheHand t1_jcg4a11 wrote

How did you miss the biggest one that kicked it all off? God impregnated a child. The deity they worship is at best a pedophile, and at worst a rapist. And the world wonders why child abuse is rampant in the church. Judas fucking christ.

I guess you didn't necessarily miss it, but I feel like it is worth mentioning directly.


AcolyteOfTheHand t1_jcb6zln wrote

Between being the granite state and the massive frost heave we get it wouldn't be cheap or easy. On average, above ground lines cost between $200k and $500k, while underground can cost $1M - $5M per mile. We have about 20k miles of power lines. So on the low end you are looking at $20B to bury them. Underground power lines are also more complicated and still require a significant amount of costly maintenance and repairs.

This paper is a bit old, but still accurate for the most part if you want to read up on underground lines.