Submitted by TheMobyDicks t3_11ss7a8 in newhampshire
galaxyWanderer t1_jcfp2xk wrote
I think we need to start talking like we'll give these Yahoo's what they want. /s
Remove obscene books? Ban the Bible as it has some pretty graphic pornographic sections. And don't get me started on whether the Son of Solomon is to a young boy or not.
The Bible has:
- incest
- paedophilia
- polygamy
Virginity important to you? Let's have detailed lessons on how they confirm a woman is a virgin, along with training videos and detailed anatomical drawings.
Let's bring this up in every single hearing we can go to. This idiocy must stop and only we can do it.
Mogus0226 t1_jcg3zys wrote
Have T-shirts made up with "She lusted after her lovers whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses".
When people complain, tell them it's right out of the Bible.
AcolyteOfTheHand t1_jcg4a11 wrote
How did you miss the biggest one that kicked it all off? God impregnated a child. The deity they worship is at best a pedophile, and at worst a rapist. And the world wonders why child abuse is rampant in the church. Judas fucking christ.
I guess you didn't necessarily miss it, but I feel like it is worth mentioning directly.
smartest_kobold t1_jcg3bes wrote
Ezekiel 23:20 For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.
CBKritter t1_jchhl87 wrote
I'm kinda dumb so excuse my lack of knowledge, but what in the ever loving fuck is
> whose issue is like the issue of horses
Suppose to translate to?
smartest_kobold t1_jchne0i wrote
alkatori t1_jchnre3 wrote
>!It's how hard and much they cum.!<
the_nobodys t1_jchmqic wrote
I'm assuming from the post above, issue refers to ejaculate. Barf.
SheeEttin t1_jchxyyz wrote
Also "the flesh of asses" means they were hanging absolute donkey dong.
Solid_Information_66 t1_jcgjao3 wrote
When I was younger I took a Bible study course with some friends (as a way to hang out with them more, not because I actually believed in God or wanted more religious education).
I will never forget listening to one passage where these townspeople watched an Angel fall to earth and they hunted it down to this old man's property. The old man, wanting to protect the Angel, offered up his daughter to the townspeople, telling them they could basically use her for all their sexual gratification instead of the Angel. The townspeople passed on that offer and instead chose to repeatedly sodomize the Angel.
If you needed a more perfect example of the Chritians in their prime, that story was it right there.
besafenh t1_jcinlin wrote
God sends two angels to destroy Sodom. Lot welcomes them into his home, but all the men of the town surround the house and demand that he surrender the visitors that they may "know" them. Lot offers the mob his virgin daughters to "do to them as you please", but they refuse and threaten to do worse to Lot. The angels strike the crowd blind.
Genesis is also the root of the Mensch, the 10 righteous, saving the world from deserved destruction.
stonewallmike t1_jcfpq4v wrote
Song of Solomon is obviously not “to a young boy,” and 5 minutes reading it makes this patently clear… even in the Hebrew the pronouns are gendered, and the author talks about his beloved’s breasts.
So…get started, I guess?
besafenh t1_jcinsm9 wrote
Given the age of Bat Mitzvah, 13 year old girls?
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