
Actonhammer t1_j9gnkry wrote

New London is absolutely nothing like real London lol I've been told by Brits. Theres nice parts and there's garbage parts of New London. Lots of dumpy rentals, lots of homes built in the 40s that were turned into multi family rentals and never well kept up. Waterford and mystic are the nicer areas, along with east lyme and stonington. Montville is a bit more depressed in a lot of spots but still a nice place to live

You can find yourself in places of groton, new London, and Norwich that will have you wanting to go back home


Actonhammer t1_j6p0x6f wrote

This is because of all the high tension powerline upgrades they've been doing all over new england. Eversource is upgrading our power grid and charging us for it. I know, it sucks.

Please stop screaming at your spouse and kids for leaving lights on. At this point, almost all of us have LED bulbs in our houses. They cost next to nothing to run.

If you want to save energy, stop using things so much that heat up. Dishwashers, laundry dryers, electric heat, turn down the temp on your hot water heater. Don't let your computer run all day, unplug stuff from the wall, ect.

That's why they turned up the delivery charge, so they can still fund the upgrades to the high tension powerlines no matter how conservative you try to be. Ya, still shitty.

If yall want cheaper power, start chanting that we need more nuclear power plants. And do your research, cuz nuclear is the best option available


Actonhammer t1_j5y4bcl wrote

The biggest problem is the people! People are so dumb, they put everything in the recycling bins. I see it all the time. Everyone acts like theu care about recycling but they have no idea what doesn't belong in the recycling bin.

I didnt read the link, I just get infuriated by people thinking coffee grounds and plastic bags go in the recycling bin


Actonhammer t1_j3gp3k4 wrote

Reply to Sigh by Mike00726

they dont send their finest to work at dunkin.


road work was being done outside of my neighborhood the other week. they had to close to road to through traffic. they had a little sign of cardboard duct taped to a cone that said "LOCAL TRAFIC ONLY". They don't send their best to my town either.


In an age where we type CONSTANTLY, how do these misspellings making it through???