
Adam__B t1_j9eq95y wrote

Our problem is that our government is so divided, even good ideas are voted against out of partisanship. Look at the Infrastructure Bill. We needed that desperately, in fact, I think it one of the prime achievements of safeguarding our role as world innovators. Look at other countries like Japan, with their bullet trains. Look at Europe with their public transportation hubs.

The one bit of bright news is that we got a domestic microchip manufacturing bill passed, that was absolutely essential. We need to aggressively be pursuing energy independence by switching to 100% wind and solar, just as a minimum.


Adam__B t1_itfmlap wrote

The basic impression I’m left with is that the postal workers of Philadelphia are on their last legs; emotionally, psychologically, you name it. My building has a new mail carrier practically every week, and a few of them came in, and just started screaming and swearing while delivering the mail. I found one of them in the little restroom down in the basement laundry room, he was down there for hours playing Candy Crush. Unless my building has something that post workers personally hate about it, then these people seem ready to break down.