
AdventurerOfTheStars t1_j9xboc2 wrote


a large Barbarian shouted, arms crossed as they stared me down. Ah, this must be where he gets his unique way of speaking. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I look over to Gregnock, who was currently "sneaking" into the room after what I presumed was either his father or brother had shouted. While obviously everyone had definitely spotted him, they refused to look at him. After all, they couldn't see him. Or their arms would be broken mysteriously the next day.

"Look, I didn't say you couldn't be proud of him, I'm just saying he needs to learn how to really sneak."

I said again, calmly as possible. God, I hated barbarians, but I couldn't fire Gregbock until he failed an assassination.


AdventurerOfTheStars t1_isngp6n wrote

An adventurer retires, after having defeated the dangerous blue dragon Zapton. They retired pretty early, so they're stil realitively young. They married a party member, a high elf warlock. Brought their best friend, a dwarf, with him. However, after having a child together, the adventurer now blacksmith is betrayed by their beloved and best friend, the dwarf dealing the final blow...