Amadacius t1_jdk0wiw wrote
Reply to comment by edeepee in Apple employees face reprisals, possible termination over return to office policy by OutlandishnessOk2452
Yeah that's my point.
Amadacius t1_jdk0dcq wrote
Reply to comment by Crimbobimbobippitybo in Twitter to Revoke ‘Legacy’ Verification Badges in April, Leaving Only Paying Subscribers With Blue Check-Marks by 08830
Except he made himself the posterboy for his companies like $30 billion pivot and sank the whole project because he is the least likable, least cool person on earth.
Amadacius t1_jdg6iiz wrote
Reply to comment by dmr11 in TIL the US federal government captures and sells excess wild horses to the public by MoistCoyote
They'd mainly be trying to replace small antelope and small game.
I can't say whether horse meat is really a better substitute than wild pig or anything like that.
Amadacius t1_jdg4f2x wrote
Reply to comment by CaliBigWill in TIL the US federal government captures and sells excess wild horses to the public by MoistCoyote
The crux of your argument seems to be that it free-range meat is more cruel than factory farmed meat. That if an animal lived a good life before slaughter it is more tragic than if we birthed them in a cage, deprived and abused them consistently from start to finish.
We round them up because they are an invasive species that disrupts the local ecology. We slaughter them because nobody else wants them. But every ounce of meat produced this way seems infinitely more ethical than the more systemic methods.
Amadacius t1_jdfz65w wrote
Reply to comment by dmr11 in TIL the US federal government captures and sells excess wild horses to the public by MoistCoyote
An adult warthog would fuck a cheetah up.
Amadacius t1_jdfyjvl wrote
Reply to comment by CaliBigWill in TIL the US federal government captures and sells excess wild horses to the public by MoistCoyote
>They were free roaming wild animals. Rounded up. Penned and potentilnally abused. Then bought en masse and sold for meat.
That's the definition of livestock.
Amadacius t1_jdfyfc1 wrote
Reply to comment by CaliBigWill in TIL the US federal government captures and sells excess wild horses to the public by MoistCoyote
Wild hogs are exterminated en masse because they are an invasive pet brought over from Eurasia. Probably the worst thing you could have compared a horse to.
Amadacius t1_jdfr1uf wrote
Reply to comment by AuthorizedShitPoster in Twitter to Revoke ‘Legacy’ Verification Badges in April, Leaving Only Paying Subscribers With Blue Check-Marks by 08830
They are in hot competition. Zuck is tanking his company in order to prop up his ego.
Amadacius t1_jdfgnt2 wrote
Reply to comment by Im-relatively-happy in Apple employees face reprisals, possible termination over return to office policy by OutlandishnessOk2452
The managers have done impressive things? Like what?
Amadacius t1_jdfgd9r wrote
Reply to comment by Powerlevel-9000 in Apple employees face reprisals, possible termination over return to office policy by OutlandishnessOk2452
Its not even really a short term boost for the stock. Layoffs are seen as a massive red flag for the stock and news of them is usually followed by a drop in stock price.
That could be counteracted by funneling money to shareholders (dividends or buybacks), but since layoffs are expensive, you don't actually have more money to funnel to shareholders. You have to pay a ton of severance, and you will need the liquidity in a few months when you rehire anyway.
Amadacius t1_jdfg0ry wrote
Reply to comment by BuzzBadpants in Apple employees face reprisals, possible termination over return to office policy by OutlandishnessOk2452
That's just price discovery. But long term their goal is to make and sell more widgets at the higher markup.
Generally companies are expected to grow every single year. Whats your growth plan? How does firing employees help?
Amadacius t1_jdffk4x wrote
Reply to comment by psyon in Apple employees face reprisals, possible termination over return to office policy by OutlandishnessOk2452
I don't think that's a great way to compare countries. Half the time the US has negative migration with Mexico. Meaning more people are leaving US for Mexico than vice versa. Does that make Mexico better than the US?
Amadacius t1_jdfeuuk wrote
Reply to comment by scylla in Apple employees face reprisals, possible termination over return to office policy by OutlandishnessOk2452
Oh god I hope not. That's not very much in that labor market.
Amadacius t1_jdk17dw wrote
Reply to comment by snowleopardx64 in Apple employees face reprisals, possible termination over return to office policy by OutlandishnessOk2452
Can't fuckers google anything anymore? Its not faster or easier for me to google it for you.
Its not consistent which direction the net migration is, which is why I say "half the time".