
AnchorKlanker t1_j9zwddf wrote

So far as I know, aside from a vanishingly small number of atoms that have escaped Earth's atmosphere, all the atoms that have ver been on Earth are still on Earth. But of course, the atoms may not comprise the same molecule they once did.


AnchorKlanker t1_j3tr9di wrote

I did not say turnover all of the House every four year. I said rotate, as the Senate does now. You may be failing to see the important point; politicians should be receiving no gifts of any size from anybody. Period. Thin edge of the wedge. Moreover, it was a workaround. It's what government operatives do. I'm sure you have noticed.


AnchorKlanker t1_j3okza9 wrote

No, it isn't a great example of why term limits are needed. But the idea of doing a workaround to give a sizable gift is still abhorrent, which is what provoked by comment. If members of the House could serve only one 4-year term, and members of the Senate only one 6-year term, and if both were rotated as the Senate already is, the entire political process would change drastically for the better.
