
AnglerJared t1_jbcw7u1 wrote

I’d argue that a native speaker who had been raised in Japan wouldn’t have found any fault in what I originally said. I’d also say that native speakers aren’t necessarily any more aware of writing formats than people who’ve acquired the language (though I admit they likely are), or of the nuance of English which would contribute to the linguistic comparison.

The third, and most relevant, point I’ll raise is that, by and large, the majority of people who’ve made comments like this to me in the past were not at all native speakers.


AnglerJared t1_jb9gyrs wrote

I was trying to illustrate the formatting and to show it wouldn’t be all that hard to read if we did it that was in English, either. And you can keep moving the goalposts all you want; your comment was unnecessarily pedantic and didn’t really make a rebuttal of any point you thought I was trying to make.



AnglerJared t1_jb963oh wrote

Fair, but that comparison loses traction for katakana and hiragana compounds, so I don’t think I missed the mark by that much. I’d have to combine Roman numerals and some kind of ideographic font like a complex mixed Wingdings to truly represent the difference, but I considered my approach sufficient to get the point across.

I do find it fascinating how many people like to chime in about how much more they understand about the Japanese language than a person who has lived in the country for the better part of two decades, though.


AnglerJared t1_j06j6e1 wrote

Well, I’d be hard-pressed to think of any way of thinking different from my own that I genuinely understand beyond a basic intellectual level, so you’re not alone. I don’t think it’s necessary to understand it further than that, just so long as you don’t try to pressure people not to be themselves just because you don’t get them.


AnglerJared t1_j06i5ut wrote

I wasn’t trying to explain what asexuality was in theory. I was offering an easy way to understand why asexual people are that way. They’re just not into pizza, so to speak. A lot of us love it and find it hard to believe someone doesn’t, but well, there are plenty of things that we don’t like that others are apparently crazy for, so it’s a lot like that.


AnglerJared t1_iuggnw5 wrote

Ah, I see. IQ can tell us a lot about a person, but all the raw intelligence in the world can’t solve the problems of self-realization, happiness, or getting along in a fundamentally shitty world, especially given childhood trauma and other psychological factors. In fact, high IQ often correlates with depression because individuals who have high ability to recognize and solve problems are often frustrated or disillusioned when they see how the world is and how little their intelligence really matters, etc. I’m sure everyone’s experience is different and thus they each have their own reasons for discontent, but for what it’s worth, your IQ results seem to have been fairly accurate, and being unable to figure it all out in what I’m guessing is your late twenties is certainly not evidence of stupidity; it’s evidence of humanity (Those two aren’t always synonyms.).

The conclusion I’ve come to regarding the value of IQ is that it increases the number of tools at our disposal when problems come up, but there’s only so much one person can do, even with all the tools in the world. We all need help, and sadly people with high IQs are often conditioned to believe they can do everything by themselves and group work only slows them down, so when the real problems show up, we are almost at a disadvantage. With the right friends and the right assistance, those bigger problems get more manageable, though. I expect they will for you, too.


AnglerJared t1_iubtjt1 wrote

I’m assuming you mean online tests. I would be curious to know if you’re including professionally administered tests like the ones I took in school growing up. There’s definitely a difference. That said, I can’t disagree entirely with your implication that, to an extent, IQ is primarily a measure of how good you are at IQ tests.


AnglerJared t1_itp7sjw wrote

I think there are enough self-aware morons and honest-to-the-point-of-rude geniuses out there that you should just wait for evidence of someone’s intellect before taking them at their word, but not assume they’re lying, either.

I have been tested (by professionals) at over 150 IQ, and I have at times mentioned this in conversation. It is a fact about me which I feel humility doesn’t always prohibit me from sharing. Obviously would be problematic if I thought my IQ necessarily made me an authority on a subject I have not adequately studied or something, but the statement that I am “intelligent” is reasonably true.