
Antibotics t1_jedobm9 wrote

>They filled in gaps in the mammoth myoglobin DNA sequence using information from the genome of an African elephant. The scientists inserted the synthesized gene into a sheep muscle cell, which was then cultured, or grown, in a lab.

Hmmm, this does not really make me hungry. On the other hand, do this for beef, and mass produce this artificially grown meat that otherwise tastes exactly like the real thing, then that will go a fair way towards both feeding people and saving the planet (not to mention a fair few cows).


Antibotics t1_jcte3f3 wrote

>It’s a corporation. Not a person.

Indeed, except corporations are made of people, so each one of those individuals who contributed to the problem is actually responsible (morally, if not legally).

Hiding behind the corporation is a cop out. I'm sure the individual people at Boeing who made or contributed to the decisions that led to all the suffering and eventual deaths can morally excuse their actions by saying it was the company and not themselves who did it.


Antibotics t1_jb8fyhe wrote

Huh, I live in Perth (Australia) and there were enough references in the article to things from Perth (Australia) to not make an obvious link to Scotland:

  • There's a Museum of Perth
  • There's a suburb named Kinross (I thought it strange this lone suburb was singled out for mention). I didn't think the suburb of Kinross had particularly deep and ancient roots though.
  • There's a George Street in Perth (WA)

I suppose the name of the news site should have been a give away.


Antibotics t1_iy5zpxq wrote

>The source said that they were told that their families would face “violence and and torture” if they did not sing the national anthem or if they joined any political protest against the Tehran regime.


>“There are a large number of Iranian security officers in Qatar collecting information and monitoring the players,” the source said.

Obviously, this is the best way to improve morale, foster a spirit of sportsmanship and give players the drive to win. /s

There will probably be a very different Iranian team next year unfortunately. I can just see the Iranian government cracking down on dissent worse than they are now.


Antibotics t1_iy1htnl wrote

It does appear to be in the article (somewhat paraphrased and extrapolated):

>The post showed a picture of a judgment that had the word 'injunction' misspelt, with Naidu adding the applicant wanted to have it correctly spelt. ... The Attorney General had described the post as malicious and inviting others to mock the judiciary.

A normal person wouldn't have posted the spelling mistake on Facebook (when a simple note to the judge in private would have sufficed) unless it was to invite comments from the public that were very likely to be embarrassing and disrespectful of the judge.