
CatAvailable3953 t1_jajlc4j wrote

It could be an anomaly of the aircraft’s threat acquisition and/or tracking systems. That would be of interest for an engineer. As a military pilot it was one of the first things that came to mind. That has occurred in the past. If you pull enough g’s you can see things. Why is it always Navy pilots. Never Air Force, Marines, or Army. Besides having to land on a heaving postage stamp what are they doing to those great aviators?


CatAvailable3953 t1_jajk7ds wrote

I flew military and commercial for 40 years. I never saw anything. We have a ton of issues to address. I am sure if a civilization has the technology to get here we would never know they were here. Let’s focus on saving our Republic from autocratic movements and fascist who don’t even know they are fascist.