
Apart_Supermarket441 t1_jds4qjo wrote


The people that are going to lose their jobs - white collar workers - are not going to just sit around being unemployed. They will shift in to other work, probably less well payed than they’d like. The people previously in those jobs will then suddenly have more competition and will be forced to take jobs ‘below’ where they were previously…and so it goes on. Essentially, people will be forced to go down a rung on the ladder and the people right at the bottom will be pushed off.

I think what we’re likely to see at first - rather than a sudden glut of unemployed white collar workers - is wage stagnation and more unemployment ‘at the bottom’. There will be a lot of people taking on jobs that are way lower paid than they’d had previously, or been expecting. And there will be a palpable feeling that it’s getting more and more difficult to get work as there is increasing competition. We’re going to see a lot of general dissatisfaction with work.

The need for UBI will likely become apparent only gradually. This is all depends on a slow take off mind.


Apart_Supermarket441 t1_itz5bz3 wrote

I find ‘collapse’ of societies fascinating.

As a Brit, I’m particularly interested in the collapse of Roman Britain. Does anyone have any recommendations for books on this subject?

I’d really be interested to read about the effects of the Roman ‘withdrawal’ (if you can call it that) on ordinary life. What happened to the Roman towns? What did society look like in the years after the fall of Rome?

Any recommendations would be really appreciated!

Likewise, any podcast recommendations!